




I am trying a small program where I am considering an employee dataset and trying to calculate sum of salaries distributed in various departments. I have a reproducible example. Can anybody please explain me what is happening.

 emp_list=[(u'ACC', [u'101', u'a', u'ACC', u'1000']),
 (u'SALES', [u'102', u'b', u'SALES', u'2000']),
 (u'IT', [u'103', u'c', u'IT', u'3000']),
 (u'ACC', [u'104', u'd', u'ACC', u'4000']),
 (u'ACC', [u'105', u'e', u'ACC', u'5000']),
 (u'HR', [u'106', u'f', u'HR', u'6000']),
 (u'ACC', [u'107', u'g', u'ACC', u'7000']),
 (u'FIN', [u'108', u'h', u'FIN', u'8000']),
 (u'ACC', [u'109', u'k', u'ACC', u'9000']),
 (u'HR', [u'1010', u'l', u'HR', u'10000']),
 (u'ACC', [u'1011', u'm', u'ACC', u'11000']),
 (u'ACC', [u'1012', u'n', u'ACC', u'12000']),
 (u'FIN', [u'1013', u'o', u'FIN', u'13000']),
 (u'IT', [u'1014', u'p', u'IT', u'14000'])]


emp.reduceByKey(lambda x,y : x[3]+y[3]).take(10)


[(u'ACC', u'00'),
 (u'HR', u'600010000'),
 (u'FIN', u'800013000'),
 (u'SALES', [u'102', u'b', u'SALES', u'2000']),
 (u'IT', u'300014000')]

任何人能请解释一下我为什么,我为 ACC 销售部门越来越奇怪值。我希望看到这两个以及串联的工资。

Can anybody please explain me why I am getting strange values for ACC and SALES departments. I want to see the concatenated salaries for these two as well.


您得到奇怪的值,因为你的函数的逻辑是无效的。如果你使用Scala的,而不是Python的这甚至不会编译。当您应用 reduceByKey LHS和RHS和返回类型应该是同一类型的:

You get strange values because logic of your function is invalid. If you use Scala instead of Python this wouldn't even compile. When you apply reduceByKey LHS and RHS and return type should be of the same type:

reduceByKey(func: (V, V) ⇒ V): RDD[(K, V)]

FUNC 应该是关联的。


In your case types don't match (input is a list and return type is a string) and function is not associative. To understand what is going on lets consider two different cases:

  1. 只有一个每个键值。由于 FUNC 不适用你得到这个值作为输出。因此,(u'SALES',[u'102',u'b',u'SALES',u'2000'])

  1. Only one value per key. Since func is not applied you get this value as an output. Hence (u'SALES', [u'102', u'b', u'SALES', u'2000'])

每个键多个值。让我们值的子集从 ACC 为例,假设如下的操作顺序定义

Multiple values per key. Lets take a subset of values from ACC as an example and assume order of operations is defined as follows

  # 1st partition
  ([u'101', u'a', u'ACC', u'1000'], [u'104', u'd', u'ACC', u'4000']),
  # 2nd partition
  ([u'105', u'e', u'ACC', u'5000'], [u'107', u'g', u'ACC', u'7000'])

后的第一个应用程序的 FUNC 我们得到:

   ([u'105', u'e', u'ACC', u'5000'], [u'107', u'g', u'ACC', u'7000'])

后的第二个应用程序的 FUNC 我们得到





In practice parenthesizing can vary depending on configuration so you can get different outputs.

要得到你应该使用正确的结果 aggregateByKey / combineByKey 地图 + 减少按@alexs的建议或地图然后按 groupByKey mapValues​​ 。最后一个应当是最有效的方法在这里,因为它不需要中间对象

To get correct results you should use aggregateByKey / combineByKey, map + reduce as suggested by @alexs or map followed by groupByKey and mapValues. The last one should be the most efficient approach here since it doesn't require intermediate objects:

emp.mapValues(lambda x: x[3]).groupByKey().mapValues(lambda xs: "".join(xs))

有关使用引用同样的事情 aggregateByKey

For reference the same thing using aggregateByKey:

from operator import add

rdd.aggregateByKey("", lambda acc, x: acc + x[3], add)


08-24 03:11