



我正在使用 cassandra 1.2,hadoop 1.2

I am working on a project, using cassandra 1.2, hadoop 1.2


I have created my normal cassandra mapper and reducer, but I want to create my own Input format class, which will read the records from cassandra, and I'll get the desired column's value, by splitting that value using splitting and indexing ,so, I planned to create custom Format class. but I'm confused and not able to know, how would I make it? What classes are to be extend and implement, and how I will able to fetch the row key, column name, columns value etc.


I have my Mapperclass as follow:

    public class MyMapper extends
            Mapper<ByteBuffer, SortedMap<ByteBuffer, IColumn>, Text, Text> {
        private Text word = new Text();
        MyJDBC db = new MyJDBC();

        public void map(ByteBuffer key, SortedMap<ByteBuffer, IColumn> columns,
                Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {

            long std_id = Long.parseLong(ByteBufferUtil.string(key));
            long newSavePoint = 0;
            if (columns.values().isEmpty()) {
            System.out.println("EMPTY ITERATOR");
            sb.append("column_N/A" + ":" + "N/A" + " , ");
            } else {
                for (IColumn cell : columns.values()) {
                    name = ByteBufferUtil.string(cell.name());
                    String value = null;
                    if (name.contains("int")) {
                    value = String.valueOf(ByteBufferUtil.toInt(cell.value()));
                    } else {
                    value = ByteBufferUtil.string(cell.value());
                String[] data = value.toString().split(",");
                // if (data[0].equalsIgnoreCase("login")) {
                    Long[] dif = getDateDiffe(d1, d2);

// logics i want to perform inside my custominput class , rather here, i just want a simple mapper class
if (condition1 && condition2) {
sb.append(":\t " + data[0] + "  " + data[2] + "  "+ data[1] /* + " " + data[3] */+ "\n");
newSavePoint = d2;
sb.append("~" + like + "~" + newSavePoint + "~");
word.set(sb.toString().replace("\t", ""));

db.setInterval(Long.parseLong(ByteBufferUtil.string(key)), newSavePoint);
db.setHits(Long.parseLong(ByteBufferUtil.string(key)), like + "");
context.write(new Text(ByteBufferUtil.string(key)), word);


I want to decrease my Mapper Class logics, and want to perform same calculations on my custom input class.

请帮助,我希望堆栈的正r4esponse ...

Please help, i wish for the positive r4esponse from stackies...



You can do the intended task by moving the Mapper logic to your custom input class (as you have indicated already)


I found this nice post which explains a similar problem statement as you have. I think it might solve your problem.


08-24 03:10