

本文介绍了如何使用触摸屏显示调用和关闭 Tkinter 制作的虚拟键盘的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在打开和关闭使用 Tkinter 制作的虚拟键盘时遇到问题.我正在创建一个 GUI,用户将使用触摸屏显示器浏览它,并且用户需要输入条目.

我尝试了 var_name.bind('FocusIn', callback) 来调用虚拟键盘和 var_name.bind('FocusOut',callback) 来关闭虚拟键盘,但是当我同时使用虚拟键盘时,它会立即打开然后关闭.


导入 tkinter 作为 tk定义选择(条目,值,事件):focused_entry.insert("end", 事件)pyautogui.press(事件)全局大写大写 = 错误如果值==空格":值 = ' 'elif 值 == '回车':值 = '\n'elif 值 == 'Tab':值 = '\t'如果值==退格":如果 isinstance(entry, tk.Entry):entry.delete(len(entry.get())-1, 'end')#elif isinstance(entry, tk.Text):其他:# tk.Textentry.delete('end - 2c', 'end')('Caps Lock', 'Shift') 中的 elif 值:uppercase = not uppercase # 将 True 改为 False,或 False 为 True别的:如果大写:值 = value.upper()entry.insert('end', value)返回定义创建(根,条目):字母 = [['`','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0','-','=','退格'],['Tab','q','w','e','r','t','y','u','i','o','p','[',']',"\\"],['Caps Lock','a','s','d','f','g','h','j','k','l',';',"'",'进入'],['Shift','z','x','c','v','b','n','m',',','.','/','Shift'],['空间']]全局窗口窗口 = tk.Toplevel(root)window.configure(background="cornflowerblue")window.geometry("+0+483")window.wm_attributes("-alpha", 0.7)对于 y, enumerate(alphabets) 中的行:x = 0#for x, enumerate(row) 中的文本:对于行中的文本:如果文本在 ('Enter', 'Shift'):宽度 = 18列跨度 = 2elif 文本 == '空格':宽度 = 124列跨度 = 16elif 文本 == '退格':宽度 = 10列跨度 = 1elif 文本 == '\\':宽度 = 10列跨度 = 1elif 文本 == 'Tab':宽度 = 10列跨度 = 1elif 文本 == '`':宽度 = 10列跨度 = 1elif 文本 == '大写锁定':宽度 = 10列跨度 = 1别的:宽度 = 4列跨度 = 1tk.Button(window, text=text, width=width,命令=拉姆达值=文本:选择(条目,值),padx=3, pady=3, bd=12, bg="black", fg="white", takefocus = False).grid(row=y, column=x, columnspan=columnspan)x+= 列跨度#  - - 主要的  - -定义记住_焦点(事件):全局focused_entryfocus_entry = event.widget如果 __name__ == '__main__':根 = tk.Tk()root.title('测试键盘')label = tk.Label(root, text='测试键盘')label.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2)entry1 = tk.Entry(root)entry1.grid(row=1, column=0,sticky='news')entry1.bind("", remember_focus)entry2 = tk.Entry(root)entry2.grid(row=2, column=0,sticky='news')entry2.bind("", remember_focus)text1 = tk.Text(root)text1.grid(row=3, column=0,sticky='news')text1.bind("", remember_focus)root.mainloop()

感谢@furas 先生帮助我创建虚拟键盘.我编辑了代码并在此处尝试了 Bryan Oakley 的回答 Tkinter 检查哪个条目最后具有焦点



不要将事件 '' 绑定到每个输入小部件,使用 bind_all(... 绑定到 应用程序级别>.



  • 使用 .bind_all('', ....deiconify()
  • 使用 .bind_all('', ....withdraw()

# VKeyboard.py将 tkinter 作为 tk 导入类 VKeyboard(tk.Toplevel):def __init__(self, parent):super().__init__(parent)# 不要在实例化时显示Toplevel"超级().withdraw()自我创建()# 处理所有应用==父事件parent.bind_all('', self.on_event, add='+')parent.bind_all('', self.on_event, add='+')def on_event(self, event):w = event.widget# 不处理自己的Button如果 w.master 不是自己:w_class_name = w.winfo_class()如果 w_class_name 在 ('Entry',):如果 self.state() == '撤销':self.deiconify()self.entry = welif w_class_name in ('Button',):超级().withdraw()w.focus_force()定义创建(自我):# 定义虚拟键盘​​`tk.Button`经过


导入 tkinter 作为 tk从 VKeyboard 导入 VKeyboard类信息亭(tk.Tk):def __init__(self):super().__init__()VKeyboard(自己)tk.Entry(root).grid()tk.Button(root, text='withdraw').grid()如果 __name__ == __main__":Kiosk().mainloop()

使用 Python 测试:3.5 - 'TclVersion':8.6 'TkVersion':8.6

I'm having a problem with opening and closing the virtual keyboard made with Tkinter. I'm creating a GUI the user will browse it using touchscreen display and the user needs to input on entries.

I've tried var_name.bind('FocusIn', callback) to call the virtual keyboard and var_name.bind('FocusOut',callback) to close the virtual keyboard but when I used both the virtual keyboard is opening and then closing right away.

I hope you guys can help me here's my code:

import tkinter as tk

def select(entry, value, event):
    focused_entry.insert("end", event)
    global uppercase
    uppercase = False

    if value == "Space":
        value = ' '
    elif value == 'Enter':
        value = '\n'
    elif value == 'Tab':
        value = '\t'

    if value == "Backspace":
        if isinstance(entry, tk.Entry):
            entry.delete(len(entry.get())-1, 'end')
        #elif isinstance(entry, tk.Text):
        else: # tk.Text
            entry.delete('end - 2c', 'end')
    elif value in ('Caps Lock', 'Shift'):
        uppercase = not uppercase # change True to False, or False to True
        if uppercase:
            value = value.upper()
        entry.insert('end', value)

def create(root, entry):
    alphabets = [
        ['Caps Lock','a','s','d','f','g','h','j','k','l',';',"'",'Enter'],

    global window
    window = tk.Toplevel(root)
    window.wm_attributes("-alpha", 0.7)

    for y, row in enumerate(alphabets):

        x = 0

        #for x, text in enumerate(row):
        for text in row:

            if text in ('Enter', 'Shift'):
                width = 18
                columnspan = 2
            elif text == 'Space':
                width = 124
                columnspan = 16
            elif text == 'Backspace':
                width = 10
                columnspan = 1
            elif text == '\\':
                width = 10
                columnspan = 1
            elif text == 'Tab':
                width = 10
                columnspan = 1
            elif text == '`':
                width = 10
                columnspan = 1
            elif text == 'Caps Lock':
                width = 10
                columnspan = 1
                width = 4
                columnspan = 1

            tk.Button(window, text=text, width=width,
                      command=lambda value=text: select(entry, value),
                      padx=3, pady=3, bd=12, bg="black", fg="white", takefocus = False
                     ).grid(row=y, column=x, columnspan=columnspan)

            x+= columnspan

# --- main ---

def remember_focus(event):
    global focused_entry
    focused_entry = event.widget

if __name__ == '__main__':
    root = tk.Tk()
    root.title('Test Keyboard')

    label = tk.Label(root, text='Test Keyboard')
    label.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2)

    entry1 = tk.Entry(root)
    entry1.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='news')
    entry1.bind("<FocusIn>", remember_focus)

    entry2 = tk.Entry(root)
    entry2.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='news')
    entry2.bind("<FocusIn>", remember_focus)

    text1 = tk.Text(root)
    text1.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky='news')
    text1.bind("<FocusIn>", remember_focus)


thank you sir @furas for helping me create the virtual keyboard.I edited the code and tried Bryan Oakley's answer here Tkinter check which Entry last had focus


Instead of call and close, Instantiate your virtual keyboard once and use the Toplevel methodes .deiconify() and .withdraw().

Don't bind the event '<FocusIn>' to every input widget, bind to application level using bind_all(....


Core point:

  • Use .bind_all('<FocusIn>', ... to .deiconify()
  • Use .bind_all('<Button-1>', ... to .withdraw()

# VKeyboard.py
import tkinter as tk

class VKeyboard(tk.Toplevel):
    def __init__(self, parent):
        # Don't show the 'Toplevel' at instantiation


        # Process all application == parent events
        parent.bind_all('<FocusIn>', self.on_event, add='+')
        parent.bind_all('<Button-1>', self.on_event, add='+')

    def on_event(self, event):
        w = event.widget

        # Don't process the own Button
        if w.master is not self:
            w_class_name = w.winfo_class()

            if w_class_name in ('Entry',):
                if self.state() == 'withdrawn':

                self.entry = w

            elif w_class_name in ('Button',):

    def create(self):
        # define the virtual keyboard `tk.Button`
import tkinter as tk
from VKeyboard import VKeyboard

class Kiosk(tk.Tk):
    def __init__(self):


        tk.Button(root, text='withdraw').grid()

if __name__ == "__main__":

Tested with Python: 3.5 - 'TclVersion': 8.6 'TkVersion': 8.6

这篇关于如何使用触摸屏显示调用和关闭 Tkinter 制作的虚拟键盘的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-24 02:56