我刚刚在2020年4月更新了PyCharm,并且在更新字体后将其更改为这种奇怪的字体.在编辑器->字体->字体中,将其设置为Jetbrains Mono,但这不是Jetbrains mono.我尝试切换到其他几种字体,但似乎卡在了该字体上.知道如何解决这个问题吗?
I just updated PyCharm this month, April 2020, and after updating the font changed to this strange font. In Editor -> Font -> Font I have it set to Jetbrains Mono, this isn't Jetbrains mono though. I tried switching to a few other fonts, but it seems to be stuck on this one. Any idea how to fix this?
Default fonts used before 2020.1 version depending on the OS:
public final static String FALLBACK_FONT_FAMILY = "Monospaced";
public final static String MAC_OS_DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY = "Menlo";
public final static String LINUX_DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY = "DejaVu Sans Mono";
public final static String WINDOWS_DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY = "Consolas";
您可以在File | File中更改字体.设置(macOS上的首选项)|编辑器字体.
You can change the font at File | Settings (Preferences on macOS) | Editor | Font.