


Is the new parent always "init" or is there some way to control who gets to be the new parent?


Wikipedia seems indicates that it's always "init". I really hope that this is not the case. I have tried everything I can think of with setpgid and setsid, but no luck. And now that I see this wikipedia article I need advice.

我问的原因是因为我正在制作一个运行许多辅助进程的Mac应用程序.我希望这些工作进程在任务管理器.一些工作程序以不同的用户身份运行,在Mac OS X上,我需要分叉两次以将特权传递给子进程.因为我是双叉"的,所以这些工人当前是作为重做者运行的,因此当与任务管理器一起查看时,我看到这些工人将"init"作为其父进程.

The reason I'm asking is because I'm making a Mac app that runs a number of worker processes. I want these worker processes to appear as children of the main process in the process-hierarchy of the task manager. Some of the workers run as different users and on Mac OS X I need to fork twice to pass privileges to the child process. Because I "double fork" the workers currently run as deamons, and when looking with task manager I see the workers are having "init" as their parent process.



Orphaned children are always adopted by init. There is no Unix way of changing the parent to some non-init process.

从Linux 3.4开始,这不再严格成立.仍然没有可移植的Unix方式,但是正如Andy Lutomirski指出的那样,Linux 3.4为PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER ="noreferrer"> prctl .

As of Linux 3.4 this is no longer strictly true. There's still no portable Unix way of doing this but as Andy Lutomirski points out Linux 3.4 adds PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER for prctl.


08-24 02:23