


I am wondering if AtomicReferenceArray can be used as a replacement for ConcurrentLinkedQueue (if one could live with a bounded structure).


I currently have something like:

ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Object[]> queue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Object[]>();

public void store(Price price, Instrument instrument, Object[] formats){
     Object[] elements = {price, instrument, formats};
     queue.offer( elements);


The store(..) is called by multiple threads.


I also have a consumer thread, which periodically wakes up and consumes the elements.

private class Consumer implements Runnable{

public void run(){

List<Object[]> holder = drain( queue );
for(Object[] elements : holder ){
   for( Object e : elements ){
      //process ...

private final List<Object[]> drain(){



Can I swap out ConcurrentLinkedQueue in favor of AtomicReferenceArray and still maintain thread safety aspect?


Specifically, atomically storing the elements and establishing a "happens before" relationship so the consumer thread sees all the elements stored by different threads?


I tried reading the source code for AtomicReferenceArray but still not absolutely sure.



AtomicReferenceArray 可以用作无锁的单个使用者/多个生产者环形缓冲区。我是并于几个月前实现,并具有可运行的原型。这样做的好处是减少了垃圾的创建,更好的缓存局部性,并且由于更简单而没有满时的性能也更好。缺点是缺乏严格的fifo语义,并且当缓冲区已满时性能很差,因为生产者必须等待流失发生。可以通过回退到 ConcurrentLinkedQueue 来避免停顿来缓解这种情况。

An AtomicReferenceArray can be used as a lock-free single consumer / multiple producer ring buffer. I was experimenting with an implementation a few months ago and have a working prototype. The advantage is a reduction in garbage creation, better cache locality, and better performance when not full due to being simpler. The disadvantages are a lack of strict fifo semantics and poor performance when the buffer is full as a producer must wait for a drain to occur. This might be mitigated by falling back to a ConcurrentLinkedQueue to avoid stalls.


The happens-before edge must be seen by producers so that they acquire a unique slot. However as only a single consumer is required, this can be delayed until the draining is complete. In my usage the drain is amortized across threads, so the consumer is chosen by the successful acquisition of a try-lock. The release of that lock provides the edge, allowing the array updates to use lazy sets within the critical section.


I would only use this approach in specialized scenarios where performance is highly tuned. In my usage it makes sense as an internal implementation detail for a cache. I wouldn't use it in general, though.


08-24 02:17