


I've done quite a bit of searching and trial/error testing in trying to get my application fixed in portrait mode however I'm stumped on this one.


Background: This application has a main activity which shows static images with various transition effects. It uses a sub activity to show a MediaPlayer because the SurfaceView (required to show the movie clip) cripples the display performance of the still image transitions.


Both activities are locked in portrait mode and this seems to work pretty well for the most part. My issue is when the child activity finishes and I physically have the device in landscape position it temporarily switches to landscape mode then back into portrait mode. In doing so I see the arrows on the screen, etc, and I don't want this.


Here's dump from logcat:

D /光标(1357):cursor_rotate 0结果
I / WindowManagerService(1357):设置旋转为0,animFlags = 1结果
I / ActivityManager(1357):配置改变:{规模= 1.0 IMSI = 0/0 LOC = EN_US触摸= 3键= 1/1/2 NAV = 1/1的广州澳凌= 2的布局= 35 uiMode = 17以次= 1726}结果
D / main_activity(6851)的onActivityResult:0 结果
D / child_activity(6851):surfaceDestroyed名为结果
D /光标(1357):cursor_rotate 3结果
I / WindowManagerService(1357):设置旋转3,animFlags = 1结果
I / ActivityManager(1357):配置改变:{规模= 1.0 IMSI = 0/0 LOC = EN_US触摸= 3键= 1/1/2 NAV = 1/1广州澳凌= 1布局= 35 uiMode = 17以次= 1727}结果
D / StatusBarPolicy(1357): ro.wmt.ui.portrait.hide.capbtn = 1结果
D / StatusBarPolicy(1357):
wm.getRotation = 3结果
D / StatusBarPolicy(1357): ro.wmt.ui.portrait.hide.capbtn = 1结果
D / StatusBarPolicy(1357):
wm.getRotation = 3结果

D/cursor ( 1357): cursor_rotate 0
I/WindowManagerService( 1357): Setting rotation to 0, animFlags=1
I/ActivityManager( 1357): Config changed: { scale=1.0 imsi=0/0 loc=en_US touch=3 keys=1/1/2 nav=1/1 orien=2 layout=35 uiMode=17 seq=1726}
D/main_activity( 6851): onActivityResult: 0
D/child_activity( 6851): surfaceDestroyed called
D/cursor ( 1357): cursor_rotate 3
I/WindowManagerService( 1357): Setting rotation to 3, animFlags=1
I/ActivityManager( 1357): Config changed: { scale=1.0 imsi=0/0 loc=en_US touch=3 keys=1/1/2 nav=1/1 orien=1 layout=35 uiMode=17 seq=1727}
D/StatusBarPolicy( 1357): ro.wmt.ui.portrait.hide.capbtn = 1
D/StatusBarPolicy( 1357):
wm.getRotation = 3
D/StatusBarPolicy( 1357): ro.wmt.ui.portrait.hide.capbtn = 1
D/StatusBarPolicy( 1357):
wm.getRotation = 3


The only two lines I want to see are in bold, everything else I want to eliminate. Occasionally, the switch is seamless depending on timing so I'm guessing there's some sort of race condition?



You can set this on the Android Manifest, just like this answer suggested:



08-24 02:16