



我们使用工具(Whats Up Gold)来监视Linux Box上的内存使用情况.我们看到与以下内容有关的内存使用情况(图形):

We use a Tool (Whats Up Gold) to monitor memory usage on a Linux Box.We see Memory usage (graphs) related to:


Physical, Real, Swap, Virtual Memory and ALL Memory (which is a average of all these).

'The ALL' Memory graphs show low memory usage of about: 10%.
But Physical memory shows as 95% used.
Swap memory shows as 2% used.

那么,我在这个Linux Box上需要更多的内存吗?换句话说,我应该经过:

So, do i need more memory on this Linux Box?In other words should i go by:

  • 所有内存图(表示内存状况良好)或
  • 物理内存图(表示内存状况不好).



物理内存是当前使用的DRAM数量.实际内存显示您的应用程序在使用系统DRAM内存.它大约低于物理内存. Linux系统缓存了一些磁盘数据.这种缓存是物理内存和实际内存之间的差异.实际上,当您有可用内存时,Linux会使用它进行缓存.不用担心,因为您的应用程序需要内存,所以它们会取回缓存的空间.

Physical memory is the amount of DRAM which is currently used. Real memory shows how much your applications are using system DRAM memory. It is roughly lower than physical memory. Linux system caches some of disk data. This caching is the difference between physical and real memory. Actually, when you have free memory Linux goes to use it for caching. Do not worry, as your applications demand memory they gonna get the cached space back.



Swap is additional space to your actual DRAM. This space is borrowed from disk space and once you application fill-out entire DRAM, Linux transfers some unused memory to swap to let all application stay alive. Total of swap and physical memory is the virtual memory.



In answer to your question, you need to check real memory. If your real memory is full, you need to get some RAM. Use free command to check the amount of actual free memory. For example on my system free says:

$ free
                 total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
    Mem:      16324640    9314120    7010520          0     433096    8066048
    -/+ buffers/cache:     814976   15509664
    Swap:      2047992          0    2047992

您需要检查缓冲区/缓存"部分.如上所示,我的系统上有真正的15 GB可用DRAM(第二行).在系统上进行检查,以了解是否需要更多内存.这些行分别代表物理,实际和交换内存.

You need to check buffer/cache section. As shown above, there are real 15 GB free DRAM (second line) on my system. Check this on your system and find out whether you need more memory or not. The lines represent physical, real, and swap memory, respectively.


08-24 02:06