


Ran into something interesting, want to know if I'm doing something wrong or if this is the correct behavior.


I have a custom UITableViewController. I ASSUMED (first mistake) that if you initialize as such:

[[CustomTableController alloc] init];


it would automatically load from a XIB of the same name, CustomTableController.xib, if it is in the same directory and such.



This does not work; doesn't load the XIB. BUT, if I change the parent class of my controller from 'UITableViewController' to 'UIViewController', EVERYHTING WORKS FINE!


[[CustomTableController alloc] init];


loads the controller and view from my xib.


Am I doing something wrong? Is this a bug? Expected behavior?


Cocoa Touch中的大多数类列出了一个指定的初始化程序,你应该从你的子类化时的 init 方法。当您创建自己的自定义类时,最好检查文档以查找超类的指定初始化程序。当您使用来自更通用超类的其他初始化程序初始化类时(在这种情况下,您通过调用 - [NSObject init] 进行),您将抢夺直接超类它有机会正确地初始化其状态。有时你可以逃脱这一点。通常你不能。

Most of the classes in Cocoa Touch list a "designated initializer" that you're supposed to call from your init methods when you subclass them. When you create your own custom class, it's a good idea to check the documentation to find the designated initializer for your superclass. When you initialize the class using some other initializer from a more general superclass (which you're doing by calling - [NSObject init] in this case), you rob your direct superclass of its opportunity to properly initialize its state. Sometimes you can get away with this. Often you can't.

UIViewController的文档说明它的指定初始化程序是 - initWithNibName:bundle:。如果使用nil nibName调用此方法,它将查找与您的类名匹配的nib。对于 UIViewController -init 的行为没有记录。基于您所看到的行为,似乎它可能正在调用 [self initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil] ,但调用<$ c $会更安全c> initWithNibName:bundle:直接而不是依赖于这种未记录的行为。

UIViewController's documentation states that its designated initializer is -initWithNibName:bundle:. If you call this method with a nil nibName, it will look for a nib that matches your class name. The behavior of -init is undocumented for UIViewController. Based on the behavior you're seeing, it seems like it may be calling [self initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil], but it would be safer to call initWithNibName:bundle: directly rather than relying on this undocumented behavior.

UITableViewController只定义一个初始化器, -initWithStyle:(尽管它没有将此方法指定为指定的初始化程序)。这个方法初始化你的UITableViewController而不使用nib,这通常很好。由于您没有将子视图添加到UITableView,因此通过笔尖配置UITableViewController通常没什么好处。

UITableViewController only defines a single initializer, -initWithStyle: (although it doesn't specify this method as the designated initializer). This method initializes your UITableViewController without using a nib, which is usually fine. Since you don't add subviews to a UITableView, there usually isn't much to be gained by configuring your UITableViewController via a nib.

如果您决定要配置无论如何,UITableViewController通过一个nib,文档告诉我们,我们可以安全地绕过 -initWithStyle:并调用UIViewController的 initWithNibName:bundle:方法。以下是文档告诉我们如何在每种情况下初始化我们的UITableView及其控制器:

If decide you want to configure your UITableViewController via a nib anyway, the documentation tells us that we can safely bypass -initWithStyle: and call UIViewController's initWithNibName:bundle: method. Here is what the documentation tells us about how our UITableView and its controller will be initialized in each case:


If a nib file containing the table view is loaded, the data source and delegate become those objects defined in the nib file (if any). If no nib file is specified or if the nib file defines no data source or delegate, UITableViewController sets the data source and the delegate of the table view to self.

总之,大多数Cocoa Touch类的文档要么指定一个指定的初始化程序,要么指定一些可以从子类中安全调用的初始化程序。总是参考超类的文档来确定你的子类应该调用哪个初始化器。

In summary, the documentation for most Cocoa Touch classes either specify a single designated initializer or a handful of initializers that you can call safely from your subclasses. Always refer to the documentation for your superclass to figure out which initializer your subclass should call.


08-24 02:02