

本文介绍了如何正确处理QML TableView中具有重叠鼠标区域的鼠标事件?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I've got a delegate attached to my TableViewColumn that contains a MouseArea. I use the MouseArea to detect double clicks on individual cells in the table, which allows me to show a TextField for editing purposes.


The problem is the delegate MouseArea blocks mouse events from propagating through to TableView. This means that the selection behaviour of TableView no longer works. Specifically, I have SelectionMode.ExtendedSelection enabled.


The MouseArea child item is simple and originally looked like this:

    id: mousearea
    anchors.fill: parent
    onDoubleClicked: {


After consulting the documentation, it looked like this should work:

    id: mousearea
    anchors.fill: parent
    propagateComposedEvents: true        // new
    onDoubleClicked: {
    onPressed: mouse.accepted = false    // new


Which it does, except now I cannot pick up double click events anymore (in MouseArea)! Which makes sense, as it states later in the documentation:

处理此信号时,请使用mouse参数的accepted属性来控制此MouseArea是否处理按下以及所有将来的鼠标事件,直到释放为止.默认值为接受事件,并且不允许该事件下的其他MouseArea处理事件. 如果accepted设置为false,则在下次按下该按钮之前,不会再有任何事件发送到此MouseArea.

When handling this signal, use the accepted property of the mouse parameter to control whether this MouseArea handles the press and all future mouse events until release. The default is to accept the event and not allow other MouseAreas beneath this one to handle the event. If accepted is set to false, no further events will be sent to this MouseArea until the button is next pressed.


There does not seem to be a way to capture mouse events for individual cells at the TableView level. It's my first day playing around with QML, so I might have missed something obvious here, but what are my options? Note I'm using PyQt.



If it is only the the selection you want to achive you can set the selection manually:

TableView {
    id: tv
    itemDelegate: Item {
        Text {
            anchors.centerIn: parent
            color: styleData.textColor
            elide: styleData.elideMode
            text: styleData.value
        MouseArea {
            id: ma
            anchors.fill: parent
            onPressed: {
                tv.currentRow = styleData.row
       // <-- select here.
            onClicked: {

    TableViewColumn {
        role: 'c1'
        title: 'hey'
        width: 100
    TableViewColumn {
        role: 'c2'
        title: 'tschau'
        width: 100
    model: lm


Right now I only select. But you can write your very own selection/deselection-logic.


You might also map from the TableView.__mouseArea to the delegate.

import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4

ApplicationWindow {
    id: appWindow
    width: 1024
    height: 800
    visible: true

    ListModel {
        id: lm
        ListElement { c1: 'hallo1'; c2: 'bye' }
        ListElement { c1: 'hallo2'; c2: 'bye' }
        ListElement { c1: 'hallo3'; c2: 'bye' }
        ListElement { c1: 'hallo4'; c2: 'bye' }
        ListElement { c1: 'hallo5'; c2: 'bye' }
        ListElement { c1: 'hallo6'; c2: 'bye' }
        ListElement { c1: 'hallo7'; c2: 'bye' }
        ListElement { c1: 'hallo8'; c2: 'bye' }
        ListElement { c1: 'hallo9'; c2: 'bye' }

    TableView {
        id: tv
        itemDelegate: Item {
            id: mydelegate
            signal doubleclicked()
            onDoubleclicked: console.log(styleData.value)
            Text {
                anchors.centerIn: parent
                color: styleData.textColor
                elide: styleData.elideMode
                text: styleData.value

            Connections {
                target: tv.__mouseArea
                onDoubleClicked: {
                    // Map to the clickposition to the delegate
                    var pos = mydelegate.mapFromItem(tv.__mouseArea, mouse.x, mouse.y)
                    // Check whether the click was within the delegate
                    if (mydelegate.contains(pos)) mydelegate.doubleclicked()

        TableViewColumn {
            role: 'c1'
            title: 'hey'
            width: 100
        TableViewColumn {
            role: 'c2'
            title: 'tschau'
            width: 100
        model: lm

这篇关于如何正确处理QML TableView中具有重叠鼠标区域的鼠标事件?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-24 01:48