



我正在尝试在QML应用程序中动态构建相同类型项目的矩阵,并使其保持动态,以便您可以随时更改c ++文件中的行数和列数.这一直很好,但是现在,要单独访问它们,我想给它们提供动态名称.因此,我嵌套了两个转发器,并尝试如下设置objectName:

I am trying to dynamically build a matrix of the same type of items in my QML application and keep it dynamic, so that you can change the number of rows and columns in a c++ file anytime. This has been working well, but now, to access them individually, I want to give them dynamic names. Therefore I nested two repeaters and tried to set the objectName as in the following:

        id: rows
        model: Matrix1.row //number of rows in Matrix1-Object

            id: columns
            model: Matrix1.column //number of columns in Matrix1-Object

                objectName: (index) +"."+ (rows.index) //matrix elements are
                supposed to be numbered x.y because of the nested repeaters, e.g.
                0.0 for the first element

不幸的是,我似乎无法访问外部索引.显示第一个值,第二个值由我的GUI的TextArea中的字符串 undefined 表示.如果我将一个新属性添加到外部Repeater并将其设置为与index相同的值,它将被设置一次并为每个重复的行保留第一个值(0).

Unfortunately I seem to have no access to the outer index.The first value is shown, the second value is represented by the String undefined in the TextArea of my GUI.In case I add a new property to the outer Repeater and set it the same value as index, it will be set once and keep the first value (0) for each repeated row.


Is it impossible to dynamically reach this outer index value somehow?Or does anyone know a better way to dynamically create two-dimensional arrays of items in QML which are individually accessable?



The index property is a context property. You can store it to an ordinary property, so you can access it from another context:

Repeater {
    id: rows
    // ...
    Repeater {
        id: columns
        property int outerIndex: index
        // ...
        Text {
            text: index + "." + columns.outerIndex


08-24 01:46