


我的服务器上安装了SharePoint 2013 Onpremise.我必须创建SharePoint 2010顺序工作流.但是,当我打开Visual Studio 2015并选择模板作为SharePoint 2010-空项目"并单击确定"时.它给我一个错误:

I have SharePoint 2013 Onpremise installed on my server. I have to create SharePoint 2010 Sequential workflow. But when I open Visual Studio 2015 and and select Template as SharePoint 2010 - Empty project and click on OK. It is giving me an error as :

"此系统上未安装所需版本的SharePoint Foundation或SharePoint Server. SharePoint项目的目标版本是14.0."

"The required version of SharePoint Foundation or SharePoint Server is not installed on this system. The target version of the SharePoint project is 14.0."

这很明显,因为在我的计算机上安装了SP 2013.有什么方法可以使用Visual Studio 2015在SP 2013本地环境上创建SP 2010项目?

This is obvious thing, because on my machine SP 2013 is installed. Is there any way where I can create SP 2010 project on SP 2013 On-Premise environment using Visual Studio 2015 ?


请为内部部署的SharePoint 2013创建一个SharePoint 2013空项目,然后添加item-n>.选择顺序工作流(仅农场解决方案)".

Please create a SharePoint 2013 Empty Project for SharePoint 2013 on-premise, then add item -> select "Sequential Workflow (Farm Solution only)". 




08-24 01:33