




In VC1 (collection view) this is my prepareforsegue code:

override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
    let segue = segue.destinationViewController as TabBarViewController

    var selectedIndex = self.collectionView.indexPathForCell(sender as UICollectionViewCell)

    segue.selectedIndexPassing = selectedIndex?.row



When I get to VC2 (which is TabBarViewController), I println() selectedIndexPassing to see what returns. It returns correctly. And then, in VC2, I call this prepareforsegue to get to the actual view controller, or the first button in the tab bar:

override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
    var segue = segue.destinationViewController as PlayerFromRosterViewController
    segue.selectedIndexPassingForDisplay = 1

然而,当我在VC3(PlayerFromRosterViewController)中println() selectedIndexPassingForDisplay 时,我得到零。为什么变量没有从Tab Bar导航控制器传递到VC3,AKA是第一个标签栏按钮视图。

However, when I println() the selectedIndexPassingForDisplay in VC3 (PlayerFromRosterViewController) I get nil. Why isn't the variable passing from the Tab Bar navigation controller to VC3, AKA the first tab bar button view.


您是否检查过TabBarController中的 prepareForSegue 是否被调用?

Have you checked whether the prepareForSegue in your TabBarController ever gets called?

由于 UITabBarController 与其子视图控制器之间的连接不是故事板segue,因此永远不会被调用。您应该通过在所需索引处访问 viewControllers 集合,从 UITabBarController 直接获取对viewController的引用。 / p>

It would never be called since the connection between a UITabBarController and its children view controllers isn't a storyboard segue. You should get a reference directly to the viewController from the UITabBarController by accessing its viewControllers collection at the index you want.

var tabBarController = segue.destination as UITabBarController
var destinationViewController = tabBarController.viewControllers[0] as YourViewController // or whatever tab index you're trying to access
destination.property = "some value"


08-24 01:19