

我有 1 个列表视图 contactslist.我编写了用于在 ListView 中突出显示所选项目的代码.这是工作.当我单击 1 个项目时,它会突出显示该项目,但问题是如果我单击其他项目,它也会突出显示该项目.我只想突出显示所选项目.当我单击另一个项目时,先前的选择将不得不消失.

I am having 1 list view contactslist. I wrote the code for highlighting the selected item in the ListView. It is working. When I click on 1 item it is highlighting that item but the problem is if I click on other item it is highlighting that too. I want to highlight the selected item only. The previous selection will have to gone when I click on another item.



This is the code in the click listener using to highlight the selected item. plz help me.


I'm setting the background of the rows in the adapter:

public int[] colors = new int[]{0xFFedf5ff, 0xFFFFFFFF};
public int colorPos;

colorPos = position % colors.length;


ListViews 默认没有 choiceMode 设置(它设置为 none),所以当前的选择不会在视觉上显示出来.

ListViews by default don't have a choiceMode set (it's set to none), so the current selection is not indicated visually.

要更改此设置,您只需将 ListViewchoiceMode 属性设置为 singleChoice.
如果您想为列表中的选定项目自定义背景,您还应该设置 listSelector 属性.在那里,您不仅可以指定颜色,还可以指定可绘制对象(图像、图层/状态可绘制对象).

To change this, you just need to set the choiceMode attribute of your ListView to singleChoice.
If you'd like custom background for the selected items in your list, you should also set the listSelector attribute. There you can specify not only colors, but drawables (images, layer-/state-drawables).

<ListView android:id="@+id/my_list"
        android:listSelector="@android:color/darker_gray" />

如果你不直接使用ListView,而是使用ListActivity,那么这些属性需要从代码中设置,所以你应该扩展你的Activity的带有这些行的 onCreate 方法:

If you don't use a ListView directly, but a ListActivity, then these attributes need to be set from code, so you should extend your activity's onCreate method with these lines:



So if you were using a click listener to change the background of the selected row, remove that from your code, and use the proper method from above.


如果您从 getView 方法设置背景,而不是使用静态颜色,请将可绘制的状态列表应用于行背景,并将duplicateParentState 设置为 true.这样,它将根据项目的当前状态更改其显示:正常、聚焦、按下等.

If you set the background from your getView method, instead of using a static color, apply a state list drawable to the row background with duplicateParentState set to true. This way it will change its display based on the current state of the item: normal, focused, pressed, etc.


08-24 01:18