本文介绍了GetInstance调用/替代解决方案后如何在Simple Injector中进行注册?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



public class CommunicationClient : IClient
    public CommunicationClient(IServerSettings settings) { ... }
    // Code

public class SettingsManager : ISettingsManager
    SettingsManager(IDbSettingManager manager)

    // Code
    public IDictionary<string, string> GetSettings() { ... }

问题:在执行注册(使用SimpleInjector)时,我需要提供从SetingsManager实例获得的值并填充ServerSettings实例(IServerSettings的具体类型),但是如果我在注册GetInstance<ISettingsManager> >,这给了我一个我做不到的错误

Problem:While performing registrations (using SimpleInjector), I need to provide values that are obtained from an instance of SetingsManager and fill ServerSettings instance (concrete type for IServerSettings) but if I call GetInstance<ISettingsManager> before registering CommunicationClient, it gives me an error that I cannot do that
Error:The container can't be changed after the first call to GetInstance, GetAllInstances and Verify.)


One solution could be to inject ISettingsManager as a dependency to CommunicationClient but I really don't want to pass it as it would provide more than required information to it.


container.Register(typeof(ICommunicationClient), typeof(CommunicationClient));
ISettingsManager settingsManager = container.GetInstance<ISettingsManager>();

string url = settingsManager.GetSetting("url");
string userName = settingsManager.GetSetting("username");
string password = settingsManager.GetSetting("password");

container.Register(typeof(IServerConfiguration), () =>
      new ServerConfiguration(url, userName, password);


Any suggestions/alternative solutions on how to achieve above in a cleaner way? Thanks.


简单注入器在首次使用后会锁定容器以进行进一步更改.这是一个明确的设计选择,此处 .这意味着您不能在调用GetInstance之后再调用Register,但是永远没有理由这样做.换句话说,总是可以用不需要的方式来重写您的配置.在您的情况下,您的配置可能看起来像这样:

Simple Injector locks the container for further changes after its first use. This is an explicit design choice, which is described here. This means that you can't call Register after you called GetInstance, but there should never be a reason to do this. Or in other words, your configuration can always be rewritten in a way that you don't need this. In your case your configuration will probably look something like this:

var settingsManager = new SettingsManager(new SqlSettingManager("connStr"));

container.Register<ICommunicationClient, CommunicationClient>();

string url = settingsManager.GetSetting("url");
string userName = settingsManager.GetSetting("username");
string password = settingsManager.GetSetting("password");

container.Register<IServerConfiguration>(() =>
      new ServerConfiguration(url, userName, password));


There you see that SettingsManager is not built-up by the container. When using a DI container, you are not required to let the DI container build up every instance for you. Letting the container auto-wire instances for you is done to lower the maintenance burden of your Composition Root and makes it easier to apply cross-cutting concerns (using decorators for instance) to groups of related classes. In the case of the SettingsManager and SqlSettingsManager classes, it is very unlikely that their constructor will change that often that it will increase the maintenance burden of your Composition Root. It's therefore perfectly fine to manually create those instances once.

这篇关于GetInstance调用/替代解决方案后如何在Simple Injector中进行注册?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-24 00:57