我到过所有这些论坛和其他网站,并且得到的答案并没有累加.本质上,我想创建一个通知,例如在每个工作日上午6:28 AM,12:28 PM和5:28 PM触发.
I've been all over these forums and other sites and I keep getting pieces of an answer that don't add up. Essentially, I would like to create a notification that fires, for example, every weekday at 6:28 AM, 12:28 PM, and 5:28 PM.
I have pieces of a solution, but I'm really unsure where to go. Am I setting this up right at all? Any help is appreciated.
let notification: UILocalNotification = UILocalNotification()
notification.category = "News and Sports"
notification.alertAction = "get caught up with the world"
notification.alertBody = "LIVE news and sports on VIC in just a minute!"
Preparing to show local notifications requires 2 main steps:
在iOS 8或更高版本上,您的应用必须询问并获得用户的权限才能显示本地通知.可以在您的AppDelegate中按以下步骤进行权限授予.
On iOS 8+ your app must ask and, subsequently, be granted permission by the user to display local notifications. Asking permission can be done as follows in your AppDelegate.
func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
if #available(iOS 8, *) {
application.registerUserNotificationSettings(UIUserNotificationSettings(forTypes: [.Sound, .Alert, .Badge], categories: nil))
return true
当您的应用程序在iOS 8之前的操作系统上运行时,请勿调用registerUserNotificationSettings(_:)
.否则,您的应用程序将在运行时崩溃.幸运的是,这不是问题,因为您使用的是Swift 2.
Do not call registerUserNotificationSettings(_:)
when your app is running on a pre-iOS 8 operating system. Otherwise, your app will crash at runtime. Luckily, this shouldn't be a problem since you're working with Swift 2.
let notification:UILocalNotification = UILocalNotification()
... // set the notification's category, alertAction, alertBody, etc.
notification.fireDate = ... // set to a future date
Unfortunately, according to this Stack Overflow answer by @progrmr,
您不能将这些枚举相乘并获得它们的倍数 间隔.您最多只能在64个本地通知中设置 您的应用.除非触发,否则您不能重新安排通知的时间,除非 用户在通知触发时选择运行您的应用(他们可能会 不运行它).
You cannot multiply those enumerations and get multiples of those intervals. You cannot have more than 64 local notifications set in your app. You cannot reschedule a notification once it fires unless the user chooses to run your app when the notification fires (they may not run it).
有重复间隔乘数的请求发布在此处. 您可以在其中添加评论.我建议提交错误报告或功能 向苹果请求(url?).
There is a request for repeat interval multipliers posted here. You can add comments to it. I suggest filing a bug report or feature request (url?) with Apple.
许多其他Stack Overflow答案也证实了以上引文中的声明.访问指向完整引用的答案的链接,其中包含支持的答案的列表.
Many other Stack Overflow answers confirm the claims in the quotes above. Visit the link to the full quoted answer, which contains a list of supporting answers.
您的情况可能的解决方法是安排3条本地通知.将每一个分别设置为分别在6:28 AM,12:28 PM和5:28 PM开火.然后,将所有3个本地通知的repeatInterval
A potential workaround for your case would be to schedule 3 local notifications. Set each one to fire at 6:28 AM, 12:28 PM, and 5:28 PM, respectively. Then, set the repeatInterval
of all 3 local notifications to .CalendarUnitWeekday
这篇关于在Swift 2中安排特定时间的本地通知的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!