




If it were a windows program, I would use Auto it to automate testing. Is there something similar for browser-based apps?


Nothing too complex, it should just allow scripting (preferable for me to macro-recording) to simulate human interaction with the browser, which means being able to identify fields of a form by name, inject text into some, simulate mouse-click on others, etc and then, after submitting a form, should be able to read text certain named controls, check the status of others (checked, radio group index, read-only, etc).

虽然我AP preciate一个全功能的产品,我不AP preciate陡峭的学习曲线。这样的东西作为汽车的脚本一样简单这woudl被罚款。

While I do appreciate a full featured product, I don't appreciate a steep learning curve. so something as simple as the scripting of Auto It woudl be fine.

我不知道,如果它使这是使用的浏览器有区别的,但我可以MSIE 6或更高生活(也许7或更高版本在推)。

I don't know if it makes a difference which browser is used, but I could live with MSIE 6 or higher (maybe 7 or higher at a push).


Three posters so far (out of three) recommend Selenium. One says it is FireFox only and I need to test MSIE, however some quick googling shows that this should be possible (although you might have to set everything up in FF first, then switch over to MSIE).


See http://www.emadibrahim.com/2009/01/19/testing-web-app-with-selenium-explorer-and-net/ and http://wiki.openqa.org/display/SEL/Selenium+Core+FAQ Hope this helps someone.



You have several options to choose from:

  • /

  • 的HtmlUnit

  • Selenium
  • Watin/Watir
  • HtmlUnit


08-24 00:27