



我一直在阅读各种内容,看起来这应该可行,但我想确定一下.我有一个应该是缓存的静态属性(加上一些与缓存数据相关的其他功能).它将实际数据存储在 ConcurrentBag 中,并且它有一个 IEnumerable 方法来[过滤和]从这个包中产生返回值.它会像这样自我更新:

I've been reading various things and it seems like this should work but I want to be sure. I have a static property that is supposed to be a cache (plus some other functionality related to the cache data). It stores the actual data in a ConcurrentBag, and it has an IEnumerable method to [filter and] yield return values from this bag. It updates itself like this:

ConcurrentBag<Foo> NewBag = GetNewThings();
Cache = NewBag;


From what I've read, it seems like this should work, though I didn't expect it to. I expected this to blow up any iterators that were reading when this happens. However I read that if another thread were iterating through the old list, it would finish on that instance of the list while the new list gets swapped. A second (new) thread would start on the new list, even while the old thread is still iterating through their old instance. This seems magic though, so I'm probably wrong, yes?


The other threads only iterate the list, the only writing happens here on these two lines.



这是线程安全的,但您可能希望使变量 volatile 或使用 Volatile.ReadVolatile.Write 来确保所有线程的即时可见性.

This is thread-safe, but you might want to make the variable volatile or use Volatile.Read and Volatile.Write to ensure immediate visibility to all threads.


08-24 00:24