




export type CollectionNames = 'twitter:tweets' | 'twitter:users' | 'twitter:metadata-cashtag'

export type CollectionType<T extends CollectionNames> =
    T extends 'twitter:tweets' ? Tweet :
    T extends 'twitter:users' ? User :
    T extends 'twitter:metadata-cashtag' ? CashtagMetadataDb :


I feel this is very clunky and I'm not very keen on having the strings twice. Also it's possible to legally misspell them in the latter type.


Is there any way to create these dynamically from an object such as this:

typings = {
    'twitter:tweets': Tweet,
    'twitter:users': User,
    'twitters:metadata-cashtag': CashtagMetadataDb

这个想法是,多个模块将具有自己的CollectionType类型,然后在导入的根模块中聚合为一个CollectionType类型.因此,如果我有两个使用* as导入的模块CoinTwitter,它看起来像这样:

The idea is that multiple modules will have their own CollectionType type which is then aggregated into one CollectionType in the importing root module. So if I have two modules Coin and Twitter imported using * as, it looks something like this:

type CollectionName = Twitter.CollectionNames | Coin.CollectionNames

type CollectionType<T extends CollectionName> =
    T extends Twitter.CollectionNames ? Twitter.CollectionType<T> :
    T extends Coin.CollectionNames ? Coin.CollectionType<T> :


These will then be used in a function like so where the types are of the latter kind (Collection here is from MongoDB):

async function getCollection<T extends CollectionName> (name: T): Promise<Collection<CollectionType<T>>>


我认为在这种情况下,您根本不需要条件类型.您可以使用 keyof和查找类型.您可能可以创建一个像typings这样的对象并从中派生类型,但是除非您在运行时需要该对象用于某些东西(并且必须放置类型为TweetUser等的对象)左右)我想说的是,您应该只创建这样的接口类型:

I think in this case you don't need conditional types at all; you can do this with keyof and lookup types instead. You probably could create an object like typings and derive a type from it, but unless you need that object for something at runtime (and have objects of type Tweet, User, etc lying around) I'd say you should just make an interface type like this:

export interface Collections {
  'twitter:tweets': Tweet,
  'twitter:users': User,
  'twitter:metadata-cashtag': CashtagMetadataDb


Then, your CollectionNames and CollectionType types can be defined in terms of that type:

export type CollectionNames = keyof Collections;
export type CollectionType<K extends CollectionNames> = Collections[K];


You can verify that the above types act the same as your definitions. In the case that you have multiple modules that have exported Collections types, you can simply merge them using interface extension and re-derive CollectionNames and CollectionType from it:

export interface Collections extends Twitter.Collections, Coin.Collections {}
export type CollectionNames = keyof Collections;
export type CollectionType<K extends CollectionNames> = Collections[K];


Hope that helps. Good luck!


08-24 00:09