




I've been reading about custom events and looked at some examples. Perhaps I am misunderstanding what custom events are and how they are triggered and would appreciate some help.



To trigger an event when the background colour of a div changes from one colour to another.


Situation A) The colour changes as result of user activity detectable from within the script, eg by onclick, onmouseover, onkeypress then I would set up a listener for these events and respond accordingly. This I understand how to do.


Situation B) The colour changes as the result of user activity not detectable from within the script, eg a new theme applied to the page, then am I correct in thinking the following are necessary?

  1. 我需要创建一个自定义事件来改变颜色。

  2. 将事件的侦听器添加到相应的DIV

  3. 侦听器需要间隔轮询DIV以检查颜色变化


Really its step 3 I am not clear about. If you are not polling the DIV how does the event colour change trigger an event? In other words how does the script know that a colour change has taken place?



In JavaScript, a custom event is simply a message, broadcast to all event listeners, that says, "Attention everyone: event X just happened!" Any listener that cares about that event can then run some function.


However, your custom event still needs to be fired somehow. Custom events aren't fired unless, somewhere in your code, you call .dispatchEvent (or .trigger, in jQuery). Your program must decide when it is time to fire the event. If the browser doesn't natively fire an event that you can use as a cue for your own custom event, then often polling is the only way to know when to fire the event.


The bottom line here is events are just messages. It's up to you and the code you write to decide when to fire them.


08-24 00:06