




I'm thinking of using SSKeychain for storing a password in an iOS app, but I'm not sure if I need some specific value for the account and service, or if it will be OK with just arbitrary ones. Is there a common practice?


服务应该是您应用的唯一字符串,可能使用iOS捆绑标识符作为服务或应用程序或Web应用程序的名称/ URL或您为其设置密码的任何内容。理想情况下,这应该在整个应用程序中保持不变,但没有特别的偏好。我个人更喜欢将其设置为Web服务URL,但这是我的首选。

The Service should be a unique string for your App, possibly use the iOS Bundle Identifier as the Service or the name/URL of your Application or Web App or whatever you are setting the Password for. This should ideally be constant throughout your Application but there is no specific preference. I personally prefer to set it to the Web Service URL but that is my preference.


The account bit is in essence similar to a Username field on any application. That's so you can store multiple passwords for the same service but for different accounts. If you are working on an application which doesn't have a username field then you could set it to 'user' or something arbitrary but remains constant throughout the application and in future versions.


So if I am storing the password for joebloggs with password 'test' for the acme.com service, here is how I'd store it:

NSString *password = [SSKeychain setPassword:@"test" forService:@"acme.com" account:@"joebloggs"];

SSKeychain 非常简单易用。绝对是个不错的选择!

SSKeychain is so easy and fantastic to use. Definitely a good choice!


08-24 00:04