



是以往任何时候都可以接受的一个在C或C ++应用程序?

Is it ever acceptable to have a memory leak in your C or C++ application?


What if you allocate some memory and use it until the very last line of code in your application (for example, a global object's destructor)? As long as the memory consumption doesn't grow over time, is it OK to trust the OS to free your memory for you when your application terminates (on Windows, Mac, and Linux)? Would you even consider this a real memory leak if the memory was being used continuously until it was freed by the OS.


What if a third party library forced this situation on you? Would refuse to use that third party library no matter how great it otherwise might be?


I only see one practical disadvantage, and that is that these benign leaks will show up with memory leak detection tools as false positives.




As professionals, the question we should not be asking ourselves the question, "Is it ever OK to do this?" but rather "Is there ever a good reason to do this?" And "hunting down that memory leak is a pain" isn't a good reason.


I like to keep things simple. And the simple rule is that my program should have no memory leaks.


That makes my life simple, too. If I detect a memory leak, I eliminate it, rather than run through some elaborate decision tree structure to determine whether it's an "acceptable" memory leak.

它类似于编译器的警告 - 将警告是致命的到我的特殊应用?也许不会。

It's similar to compiler warnings – will the warning be fatal to my particular application? Maybe not.


But it's ultimately a matter of professional discipline. Tolerating compiler warnings and tolerating memory leaks is a bad habit that will ultimately bite me in the rear.


To take things to an extreme, would it ever be acceptable for a surgeon to leave some piece of operating equipment inside a patient?


Although it is possible that a circumstance could arise where the cost/risk of removing that piece of equipment exceeds the cost/risk of leaving it in, and there could be circumstances where it was harmless, if I saw this question posted on SurgeonOverflow.com and saw any answer other than "no," it would seriously undermine my confidence in the medical profession.


如果第三方库强迫我这种情况,将导致我严重怀疑有问题的图书馆的整体素质。这将是,如果我试驾了一辆汽车,发现一对夫妇松垫圈和螺母的杯架之一 - 它可能不是本身就是一个大问题,但它描绘缺乏对质量的承诺,所以我会考虑替代方案。

If a third party library forced this situation on me, it would lead me to seriously suspect the overall quality of the library in question. It would be as if I test drove a car and found a couple loose washers and nuts in one of the cupholders – it may not be a big deal in itself, but it portrays a lack of commitment to quality, so I would consider alternatives.


08-23 23:45