I am currently adding a deployment project to my C# solution whichinstalls a windows service and I have been trying to find a propertythat will make the installer prompt the user to reboot the system onceinstallation has completed. I would prefer to simply set a propertyrather than create a small application that I run at the end of theinstall. if there is any code to restart then where i'll use this codein installer class or elsewhere?
如果您使用基于MSI的安装程序(如果使用VS安装项目,则为这种情况),请设置 REBOOT = Force 应该可以解决问题.
If you use a MSI-based installer (which would be the case if you're using a VS setup project), setting REBOOT=Force should do the trick.
Under normal circumstances, though, the installer will itself detect if a reboot is needed: if you're not currently getting a reboot prompt, that's a good indication your service should work just fine without that reboot.
You may be able to extend your setup logic to start the service after installing it (and also to launch any auto-start GUI components if required). That's much friendlier than forcing a reboot, and you'll do your bit to help Windows get rid of its "you moved your mouse, please reboot" image problem...
编辑(2011年12月) @IdentityCrisisUK:请参见如何:控制系统在使用Visual Studio .NET 创建的安装项目中重新启动,以获取设置REBOOT变量所涉及的确切步骤.需要使用Orca -不知道为什么已经被排除"了,因为这是微不足道的后期构建步骤...
Edit (December 2011) @IdentityCrisisUK: see HOW TO: Control System Restarts in a Setup Project That You Created by Using Visual Studio .NET for the exact steps involved in setting the REBOOT variable. Use of Orca is required -- not sure why that has "already been ruled out", as it's a trivial postbuild step...