本文介绍了C#.net 识别zip文件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我目前正在使用 SharpZip api 来处理我的 zip 文件条目.它适用于压缩和解压缩.但是,我无法确定文件是否为 zip.我需要知道是否有办法检测文件流是否可以解压缩.本来我用

I am currently using the SharpZip api to handle my zip file entries. It works splendid for zipping and unzipping. Though, I am having trouble identifying if a file is a zip or not. I need to know if there is a way to detect if a file stream can be decompressed. Originally I used

FileStream lFileStreamIn = File.OpenRead(mSourceFile);
lZipFile = new ZipFile(lFileStreamIn);
ZipInputStream lZipStreamTester = new ZipInputStream(lFileStreamIn, mBufferSize);// not working
lZipStreamTester.Read(lBuffer, 0, 0);
if (lZipStreamTester.CanDecompressEntry)

LZipStreamTester 每次都变为 null 并且 if 语句失败.我试过有/没有缓冲区.任何人都可以提供任何有关原因的见解吗?我知道我可以检查文件扩展名.我需要比这更明确的东西.我也知道 zip 有一个神奇的 #(PK something),但这并不能保证它会一直存在,因为它不是格式的要求.

The LZipStreamTester becomes null every time and the if statement fails. I tried it with/without a buffer. Can anybody give any insight as to why? I am aware that i can check for file extension. I need something that is more definitive than that. I am also aware that zip has a magic #(PK something), but it isn't a guarantee that it will always be there because it isn't a requirement of the format.

此外,我还读到了 .net 4.5 具有原生 zip 支持,因此我的项目可能会迁移到该 zip 而不是sharpzip,但我仍然需要在这里没有看到类似于 CanDecompressEntry 的方法/参数:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/3z72378a%28v=vs.110%29

Also i read about .net 4.5 having native zip support so my project may migrate to that instead of sharpzip but I still need didn't see a method/param similar to CanDecompressEntry here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/3z72378a%28v=vs.110%29

我最后的手段是使用 try catch 并尝试解压缩文件.

My last resort will be to use a try catch and attempt an unzip on the file.


这是组件的基类,该组件需要处理未压缩、PKZIP 压缩 (sharpziplib) 或 GZip 压缩(内置于 .net)的数据.也许比你需要的多一点,但应该能让你继续前进.这是使用@PhonicUK 的建议解析数据流标头的示例.您在小工厂方法中看到的派生类处理了 PKZip 和 GZip 解压的细节.

This is a base class for a component that needs to handle data that is either uncompressed, PKZIP compressed (sharpziplib) or GZip compressed (built in .net). Perhaps a bit more than you need but should get you going. This is an example of using @PhonicUK's suggestion to parse the header of the data stream. The derived classes you see in the little factory method handled the specifics of PKZip and GZip decompression.

abstract class Expander
    private const int ZIP_LEAD_BYTES = 0x04034b50;
    private const ushort GZIP_LEAD_BYTES = 0x8b1f;

    public abstract MemoryStream Expand(Stream stream);

    internal static bool IsPkZipCompressedData(byte[] data)
        Debug.Assert(data != null && data.Length >= 4);
        // if the first 4 bytes of the array are the ZIP signature then it is compressed data
        return (BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 0) == ZIP_LEAD_BYTES);

    internal static bool IsGZipCompressedData(byte[] data)
        Debug.Assert(data != null && data.Length >= 2);
        // if the first 2 bytes of the array are theG ZIP signature then it is compressed data;
        return (BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 0) == GZIP_LEAD_BYTES);

    public static bool IsCompressedData(byte[] data)
        return IsPkZipCompressedData(data) || IsGZipCompressedData(data);

    public static Expander GetExpander(Stream stream)
        Debug.Assert(stream != null);
        stream.Seek(0, 0);

            byte[] bytes = new byte[4];

            stream.Read(bytes, 0, 4);

            if (IsGZipCompressedData(bytes))
                return new GZipExpander();

            if (IsPkZipCompressedData(bytes))
                return new ZipExpander();

            return new NullExpander();
            stream.Seek(0, 0);  // set the stream back to the begining

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