



我在一个项目中使用 Excel-Dna ,该项目中的连接字符串存储在名为 connections.config 的外部文件中,该文件在 App中引用.config 文件.生成项目时,两个配置文件都被复制到bin文件夹中,并且 App.config 文件被重命名为< Name> -AddIn64-packed.xll.config 应该是.

I'm using Excel-Dna in a project where connection strings are stored in an external file called connections.config, which is referenced in the App.config file. When building the project, both config files are copied to the bin folder and the App.config file is renamed <Name>-AddIn64-packed.xll.config as it should be.

问题在于打包的 xll 仍然依赖于两个配置文件.将连接字符串直接包含在 App.config 中时,一切工作正常,但是我需要将其保留在源代码之外.

The problem is that the packed xll still relies on both config files. Everything works fine when including the connection strings directly in the App.config, but I need to keep them outside of the source code.


Any thoughts on how to proceed?


Excel-DNA当前不通过上的 configSource 支持 App.config 外部配置设置如果主.config文件+外部文件实际上不存在于压缩的 XLL所在的文件夹中,则-packed XLL.

Excel-DNA currently does not support App.config external configuration settings via configSource on -packed XLLs if the main .config file + external file is not physically present in the folder where the -packed XLL is.

如果要使用 configSource ,则必须将这些外部文件与打包的 XLL放在同一文件夹中.

If you want to use configSource in your case, you'll have to keep these external files together with the -packed XLL, on the same folder.


  • < Name> -AddIn-packed.xll
  • < Name> -AddIn-packed.xll.config
  • < Name> -AddIn64-packed.xll
  • < Name> -AddIn64-packed.xll.config
  • connections.config

或者,如果您希望将连接字符串保存在外部文件中,但仍嵌入在-包装 XLL中,则完全不要使用 configSource ,将 connections.config 添加为程序集的嵌入式资源,然后从此处读取连接字符串.

As an alternative, if you want to have the connection strings on an external file, but still embedded within the -packed XLL, then do not use configSource at all, add your connections.config as an embedded resource of your assembly, and read your connection strings from there.


08-23 23:27