


I know that I am missing something...I have checked everywhere on the web to find an answer, but only finding partial information.

我有一个数据网格我需要从SQL表中填写。 我已经使用我找到的示例构建了一个SQL Control类。 我完美地填充我设置的任何数据网格,并通过点击按钮进行填充。 尽管这很有效,但是当我在$_b $ b尝试在page_load事件期间填充数据网格时,它将无法填充。 我单击我设置的按钮以手动执行填充命令,它可以正常工作。 在page_load中使用相同的代码有什么不同?

I have a datagrid that I need to fill from a SQL table.  I have built a SQL Control class using examples I have found.  I works perfectly to fill any datagrid I set up and fill via a button click.  Even though this works perfectly, when I try to fill the datagrid during a page_load event, it will not fill.  I click the button I have set up to manually execute the fill command and it works.  What is different to get the same code to work in page_load?



08-23 23:24