



我需要按字母顺序对工作簿中的标签/工作表进行排序.我正在使用 openpyxl 来处理工作表.

I need to sort the tabs/sheets in a workbook alpha- numerically. I am using openpyxl to manipulate the worksheet.



You can try to sort the workbook._sheets list.

workbook._sheets = sorted(workbook._sheets)

这可能会导致活动工作表(索引所指)无提示地更改,因此排序操作后应紧跟workbook.active = 0之类的东西.

This may result in the active worksheet (referred to by an index) to change silently so the sorting operation should be followed by something like workbook.active = 0.

我将首先使用测试数据进行尝试,因为直接访问所谓的私有" _sheets属性可能会弄乱事情并破坏您的数据.

I would try it first with test data as the direct access to the so-called "private" _sheets attribute might mess things up and corrupt your data.

根据下面查理·克拉克(Charlie Clark)的评论,使用所谓的私有"属性可能会损害模块的工作方式.如果要使其正确使用,请仔细阅读源代码以了解其含义,并为Workbook类创建子类,以添加用于进行排序的新方法.

As per the comment by Charlie Clark below, using so-called "private" attributes can compromise the way a module is working. If you want to make it proper read the source thoroughly to understand what it involves and subclass the Workbook class to add a new method that does the sorting.


... and bear in mind that updating openpyxl might result in your finely crafted subclass not working anymore. You may suggest to include the sorting method into the openpyxl code so that it is maintained adequately.


Python will not forbid you to turn your computer into a disobedient monster as long as it is what you fancy.

Guido von Rossum


08-23 23:17