

我有一个 ExpandoObject 并要为此做出一个getter将由名在运行时,其中名称是在字符串中指定的硬编码,而不是返回属性。

I have an ExpandoObject and want to make a getter for it that will return a property by name at runtime, where the name is specified in a string instead of hardcoded.



和将返回true。 帐户 ExpandoObject 功能也是 ExpandoObject 。所以,我有一个 ExpandoObject 包含其他 ExpandoObjects

and that will return true. account is a ExpandoObject, and features is also an ExpandoObject. So I have an ExpandoObject that contains other ExpandoObjects.


So what I want to be able to do is this:




The reason is that I have many features, and I want to be able to write one generic getter method where I can pass in the name of the feature I want, and the method will pass me back the value for account.features.whatever (where "whatever" is specified by passing in a string to the generic getter method). Otherwise I am going to have to write 30-some getters one for each feature.


I did a lot of research and tried doing something like:

var prop = account.features.GetType();  
// this returns System.Dyanmic.ExpandoObject


followed by

var value = prop.GetProperty(featureNameAsString); 

总是回来空。我不明白为什么。在监视窗口中我可以做 account.features.isEmailEnabled ,它显示了真实和说,它的一个布尔值。但是,如果我尝试使用上面的方法在这个值来获取和传递 isEmailEnabled featureNameAsString 我只是得到空

but value always comes back as null. I don't understand why. In the watch window I can do account.features.isEmailEnabled and it shows true and says its a boolean. But if I try to get at this value using the approach above and pass in isEmailEnabled as the featureNameAsString I just get null.


Can someone please tell me what I may be doing wrong and what's a good approach, without it being too complex?


I am working with ASP.NET under the 4.5.1 framework.


ExpandoObject 既可以通过可访问动态并通过的IDictionary<字符串对象> - 所以,你可以只需使用字典API:

ExpandoObject provides access both via dynamic and via IDictionary<string,object> - so you could just use the dictionary API:

var byName = (IDictionary<string,object>)account.features;
bool val = (bool)byName["isEmailEnabled"];


Or if the name is fixed, just:

bool val = ((dynamic)account).features.isEmailEnabled;


10-24 05:37