

我在我的存储过程中使用临时表 #tempTable - 我用它来运行我的 ASP.net 报告(报告服务)

I am making use of temporary tables #tempTable in my stored procedure - that I make use to run my ASP.net Reports (Reporting services)



SELECT * INTO #tempTable FROM Contacts WHERE ContactID < 10


SELECT o.* FROM #tempTable t INNER JOIN Orders o ON t.ContactID =o.ContactID


to return values to my reports aka results for the stored procedure


I do not get rid of my #tempTable


DROP TABLE #tempTable


I have read that the scope of temporary table is only for the stored procedure - so is doing the above necessary - if I dont do the above what problems will I get into in the future


首先,一旦过程完成,在过程中创建的本地临时表将被删除.来自BOL on Create Table:

First, local temporary tables created within a procedure are dropped once the procedure finishes. From the BOL on Create Table:



If your data access code is properly opening a connection, calling a stored procedure and then closing the connection, the temp table is created in the procedure is effectively destroyed.

我说有效"是为了提出另一点.我不建议在你的程序结束时删除临时表,尽管我会在创建临时表之前添加一个检查,如果存在则删除它(例如 if object_id('tempdb..#Foo') is not空).反对在最后删除临时表的论点是,通过调用 Drop 语句,您将迫使 SQL Server 在等待过程结束的同时消耗资源来销毁该表.相反,如果您让它超出范围,您的过程会立即结束,并且您让 SQL Server 在它自己选择的时间销毁该表.

I say "effectively" to bring up another point. I would not recommend dropping the temp table at the end of your procedure although I would add a check just before I created the temp table and drop it if exists (e.g. if object_id('tempdb..#Foo') is not null). The argument against dropping the temp table at the end is that by calling the Drop statement, you are forcing SQL Server to expend resources to destroy the table then and there while you wait for your procedure to end. If instead, you let it go out of scope, your procedure ends immediately and you let SQL Server destroy the table at a time of its own choosing.


08-23 22:27