




I am currently struggling with a vba macro, could you help me please? I would be very thankful to anyone who can help me on this.

我想从Word Document宏访问Excel打开的工作簿的数据.由于某些原因,我需要从已经在用户会话中打开的Excel工作簿中获取数据,而不要使用其路径在后台重新打开它.

I want to access data of an Excel opened workbook from a Word Document macro. For some reasons I need to take data from the Excel workbook which is already opened on my user session and not to reopen it in the background by using its path.

这是我要转换的宏的当前位,以便使用已经打开的"GUI.xls".该窗口的名称是"Microsoft Excel – GUI.xls [兼容模式]"我希望我能很好地解释我的问题,我在其他地方找不到此主题,对不起,如果它已经存在.

Here is the current bit of macro I want to transform so that I use the "GUI.xls" which is already opened. The window’s name is "Microsoft Excel – GUI.xls [Compatibility Mode]"I hope I explained well enough my problem, I didn’t find this topic elsewhere, sorry if it already exists.


If it is possible I would like that the AppExcel Object is directly linked to the opened Workbook. The problem is that I try to access the Workbook from Word.



Set AppExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
AppExcel.Workbooks.Open SourcePath1 & "" & "\GUI.xls"

    Data_Name = AppExcel.Worksheets("Output").Cells(RowNum, 2).value
    Data_Ending = AppExcel.Worksheets("Output").Cells(RowNum, 3).value

Dim WordFileName As String
WordFileName = Data_Name & Data_Ending

    Call candp(SourcePath, WordFileName, TargetName)

AppExcel.Activeworkbook.Close savechanges:=False
Set AppExcel = Nothing


尝试使用 GetObject :

Dim WordFileName As String
Dim exWb As Object
Dim AppExcel As Object

'try to get file if it's already open
On Error Resume Next
Set exWb = GetObject(SourcePath1 & "\GUI.xls")
On Error GoTo 0

'if it's not already opened - open it
If exWb Is Nothing Then
    Set AppExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    Set exWb = AppExcel.Workbooks.Open(SourcePath1 & "\GUI.xls")
End If

With exWb.Worksheets("Output")
    Data_Name = .Cells(RowNum, 2).Value
    Data_Ending = .Cells(RowNum, 3).Value
End With

WordFileName = Data_Name & Data_Ending

Call candp(SourcePath, WordFileName, TargetName)

exWb.Close savechanges:=False
Set exWb = Nothing

If Not AppExcel Is Nothing Then AppExcel.Quit
Set AppExcel = Nothing


08-23 22:13