从一个不完整的gettext .pot 文件开始,现在生成的 .po 翻译文件现在包含大量最初不在中的翻译字符串. > .pot 文件.
Having started off with an incomplete gettext .pot file, the resulting .po translations file now includes a large number of translation strings that were not originally in the .pot file.
如何从已翻译的 .po 文件向后生成其他语言的 .pot 文件(带有空白翻译条目的字符串)?
How can I backwards generate a .pot file for other languages (strings with blank translation entries) from a translated .po file?
这花了很长时间才找出解决方法,但最后我找到了使用Notepad ++的解决方案.从 Search | Replace ... 菜单中,我可以使用正则表达式全部替换.
This took ages to figure out a way of doing it, but in the end I found a solution using Notepad++. From the Search|Replace... menu I was able to Replace All with a regular expression.
查找:msgstr ".*"
替换为:msgstr ""