我想在我的Lotus Notes应用程序中添加日志记录功能.基本上,我希望能够记录谁进行更改,何时进行更改以及文档中更改了哪些字段.做这个的最好方式是什么?我正在考虑在每个文档的末尾添加此内容,以便用户知道谁进行了更改.
I want to add logging capabilities in my Lotus Notes application. Basically I want to be able to log who make the change, when the change is made, and what field(s) is/are changed in a document. What is the best way to do this? I am thinking to also add this at the end of each document so the user knows who make the changes.
I've done this before using LotusScript. It's a bit of a pain, but the basic idea is to:
- 在QueryOpen事件中创建一个数组或新文档对象,并将所有项目的值存储在当前文档中.
- 在QuerySave事件中,将当前文档的值与您创建的内存中的副本进行比较,然后记录所有差异.
You can create a field on the form to write these changes to, and just append to it each time.
Watch out for other event handlers that make changes everytime the document opens, though. You may need to copy original values in the PostOpen event, for example, if you change some fields in the QueryOpen event each time the doc opens, otherwise you'd get false change logs.
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