






  • 使用SEH:400个用户中只有一个用户遇到大多数崩溃问题

  • 没有SEH:如果任何用户遇到崩溃,则所有400都会受到影响。

  • 但是有时SEH:服务器挂起,
  • 将您的程序分解为多个工作进程和一个单独的工作进程。 服务器进程。服务器进程将处理初始请求,然后将它们关闭工作进程。如果工作进程崩溃,则只会影响该工作进程的用户。不要使用SEH进行一般的异常处理 - 正如你已经发现的,它可以并且会让你大打开死锁,你仍然可以崩溃。

    This article gives a good overview on why structured exception handling is bad. Is there a way to get the robustness of stopping your server from crashing, while getting past the problems mentioned in the article?

    I have a server software that runs about 400 connected users concurrently. But if there is a crash all 400 users are affected. We added structured exception handling and enjoyed the results for a while, but eventually had to remove it because of some crashes causing the whole server to hang (which is worse than just having it crash and restart itself).

    So we have this:

    • With SEH: only 1 user of the 400 get a problem for most crashes
    • Without SEH: If any user gets a crash, all 400 are affected.
    • But sometimes with SEH: Server hangs, all 400 are affected and future users that try to connect.


    Break your program up into worker processes and a single server process. The server process will handle initial requests and then hand them off the the worker processes. If a worker process crashes, only the users on that worker are affected. Don't use SEH for general exception handling - as you have found out, it can and will leave you wide open to deadlocks, and you can still crash anyway.


08-23 21:52