




I need to copy a file from one location to another, and I need to throw an exception (or at least somehow recognise) if the file already exists at the destination (no overwriting).


I can check first with os.path.exists() but it's extremely important that the file cannot be created in the small amount of time between checking and copying.


Is there a built-in way of doing this, or is there a way to define an action as atomic?


实际上是一种自动且安全地执行此操作的方法,前提是所有参与者都以相同的方式进行操作。它是,而且不完全是琐碎的事情,因此,可以将 no作为一般答案;)

There is in fact a way to do this, atomically and safely, provided all actors do it the same way. It's an adaptation of the lock-free whack-a-mole algorithm, and not entirely trivial, so feel free to go with "no" as the general answer ;)

  1. 检查文件是否已存在。

  2. 使用临时名称(例如< target>。< UUID> .tmp)将源文件复制到目标文件夹。

  3. 重命名副本< target>-< UUID> .mole.tmp

  4. < target>-*。mole.tmp

    • 如果他们的UUID比您的UUID大,请。 (不必担心它是否消失了。)

    • 如果他们的UUID比您的UUID小,请尝试删除您自己的UUID。 (再次,不用担心它是否会消失。)从现在开始,将其UUID视为您自己的UUID。

  1. Check whether the file already exists. Stop if it does.
  2. Generate a unique ID
  3. Copy the source file to the target folder with a temporary name, say, <target>.<UUID>.tmp.
  4. Rename the copy <target>-<UUID>.mole.tmp.
  5. Look for any other files matching the pattern <target>-*.mole.tmp.
    • If their UUID compares greater than yours, attempt to delete it. (Don't worry if it's gone.)
    • If their UUID compares less than yours, attempt to delete your own. (Again, don't worry if it's gone.) From now on, treat their UUID as if it were your own.


想象每个候选源文件都是从洞中冒出来的。中途退出时,它会暂停并重击所有竞争的痣,然后再检查没有其他痣完全出现。如果把它贯穿在脑海中,应该会看到只有一颗痣会一直排出。为了防止该系统,我们添加了一个总顺序,以决定哪个痣可以重击。 am! 。

Imagine each candidate source file is a mole coming out of its hole. Half-way out, it pauses and whacks any competing moles back into the ground, before checking no other mole has fully emerged. If you run this through in your head, you should see that only one mole will ever make it all the way out. To prevent this system from livelocking, we add a total ordering on which mole can whack which. Bam! A lock-free algorithm.


Step 4 may look unnecessary—why not just use that name in the first place? However, another process may "adopt" your file in step 5, and make it the winner in step 7, so it's very important that you're not still writing out the contents! Renames on the same file system are atomic, so step 4 is safe.


08-23 21:52