




I have a deadline. I am googling, I am code reading, I neeed help ...

我的应用程序抛出EStackOverFlow.需要通宵测试才能发现错误,因此我需要一些好主意,否则将需要很长时间( )进行跟踪.

My Application is throwing an EStackOverFlow. It requires an overnight test to hit the error, so I need some good ideas or it will take a long time to track down.

我昨晚尝试使用MAD Except,但是没有抓住它,大概是因为没有栈可以这样做.我在IDE上运行,因此中断了执行并查看了Call Stack,但除细节外,MAD充满了MAD(我已经联系了作者,但我们之间有很大的时差).

I tried last night with MAD Except, but that didn't catch it, presumably because there was no stack for it to do so. I was running from the IDE so I broke execution and looked at the Call Stack, but it was filled with MAD except details (I have contacted the author, but there is a big time difference between us).


There are no (deliberately) recursive recursive routines. No OnChange handlers (which might accidentaly change the component which they monitor, thus calling themselves recursively). No large data structures (which might be passed on the stack as parameters).

我的第一个想法是关闭MAD Except,但是我迫不及待要等待12到16个小时才能崩溃.

My first thought is to turn off MAD Except, but I can't wait another 12 or 16 hours for a crash.


Unattended, the program is doing some database access when timers expire every 30 seconds or every hour, so I have set those to 1 second, hoping to hasten the crash. Hmm, can I reduce the stack size in order to hasten the crash? If so, how?


What else can I do? I have wrapped my applications main file, where forms are created and the application is run, in Try ... Except.


Is there some point, such as the message handling loop, where I can check the stack size and see if it is growing "too large"? (if so, can you give details?)


Any other suggestion? Thanks in advance


(p.s the code is far too large to post)



AS. Profiler approach i noted above might give you result by sheer luck (if there is some stray branch leading you to rare but instant-fast leak. Say, among 100 case variants there is the only one leading to infinite recursion). However if there is steady cumulative leak, that takes all night to accumulate itself, then profiler results would not be distinguishable from normal work.


I thought a bit. Current hypothesis is that stack tracers fail for there is no stack left. Let's hold it. Then we shall throw exception before stack is over, yes ? So i'd try this sequence:

1)我将堆栈跟踪器设置为记录包括行号在内的完整堆栈跟踪.可以在Delphi IDE使用的JCL跟踪器中完成此操作,我认为madExcept也可以.

1) i'd set stack tracer to log full stack trace including line numbers. It can be done in JCL tracers used by Delphi IDE, and i think madExcept can too.

2)我想知道当前的堆栈大小.例如使用Visual Studio确定堆栈空间

2) i'd like to know the current stack size. For example Determining Stack Space with Visual Studio


3) i'd keep regularly checking used stack space. For example What is a safe Maximum Stack Size or How to measure use of stack?



4) ~ every 5 minutes i'd log current stack usage - just to see the pattern, if it is steadily slowly goring, or is it some rare but severe codepath.If several thread - then several log files one per threadIt would also allow to estimate the "normal" stack usage.


5) if stack usage raises above 80% (i think your "normal" usage todl above would not exceed it, won't it?) i'd raise manual exception, some special class that would not be caught until thread/application top level, and at top level maybe even do something complex, like halting the app into debugger and awaking you so you can remotely connect and check the internal status of sick yet not deceased yet app.


08-23 21:51