




SpreadsheetFormatColumns(mySpreadsheet,{dataFormat =text},1-15)



ColdFusion 9.0.1(即updater 1),如果你使用SpreadsheetSetCellValue()它会尊重你先前设置的格式。因此,要在填充表格时强制使用文本列,您可以使用3步过程:

  1. 填充电子表格,忽略不正确的

  2. 将列的每一行中的不正确值替换为正确的值,

  3. 这里有一个例子,您可以将其复制到.cfm中,并按原样运行(需要CF9)。 0.1)

     < cfscript> 
    q = QueryNew();
    columns = q.getMetaData()。getColumnLabels();
    sheet = SpreadSheetNew(test);
    forceTextColumnNumber = 1;
    SpreadSheetFormatColumn(sheet,{dataformat =text},forceTextColumnNumber);
    rownumber =(q.currentrow + 1);
    value = q [columns [forceTextColumnNumber]] [q.currentrow];
    sheetAsBinary = SpreadSheetReadBinary(sheet);
    filename =test.xls;
    < / cfscript>
    < cfheader name =Content-Dispositionvalue =attachment; filename =#Chr(34)## filename ## Chr(34)#
    < cfcontent type =application / msexcelvariable =#sheetAsBinary#reset =true>


    I am using SpreadsheetFormatColumns() to format the columns in a spreadsheet to "text", but I don't know how to do this, all the formats in the livedocs are for numbers, currency or dates... is there something like

    SpreadsheetFormatColumns(mySpreadsheet, {dataFormat="text"}, "1-15")

    out there? this is really bugging me...



    In ColdFusion 9.0.1 (i.e. updater 1), if you use SpreadsheetSetCellValue() it will respect the format you have previously set. So to force a column to be text when populating a sheet you can use a 3-step process:

    1. Populate the spreadsheet, ignoring the incorrectly interpreted number values.
    2. Format the column you want as text.
    3. Replace the incorrect value in each row of the column with the correct value, which will now be treated as text.

    Here's an example which you can copy into a .cfm and run as-is (requires CF9.0.1)

        // Create a 2 column, 2 row query. The first column contains numbers or possible numbers we want formatted as text in our spreadsheet
        q   =   QueryNew( "" );
        QueryAddColumn( q,"NumbersAsText","VarChar",[ 01050094071094340000,"743059E6" ] );
        QueryAddColumn( q,"Text","VarChar",[ "abc","def" ] );
        // Get the column names as an array so we can get at them more easily later
        columns =   q.getMetaData().getColumnLabels();
        // Create a new spreadsheet object
        sheet   =   SpreadSheetNew( "test" );
        // specify the column we want formatted as text
        forceTextColumnNumber   =   1;
        // Use the query column names as column headers in our sheet
        SpreadSheetAddRow( sheet,q.columnList );
        // Add the data: the numbers will be inserted as numeric for now
        SpreadSheetAddRows( sheet,q );
        // Now we format the column as text
        SpreadSheetFormatColumn( sheet,{ dataformat="text" },forceTextColumnNumber );
        // Having formatted the column, add the column from our query again so the values correct
        while( q.next() )
            // Skip the header row by adding one
            rownumber   =   ( q.currentrow + 1 );
            // Get the value of column at the current row in the loop
            value   =   q[ columns[ forceTextColumnNumber ] ][ q.currentrow ];
            // replace the previously added numeric value which will now be treated as text
            SpreadsheetSetCellValue( sheet,value,rownumber,forceTextColumnNumber );
        // Download the object as a file
        sheetAsBinary   =   SpreadSheetReadBinary( sheet );
        filename    =   "test.xls";
    <cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="attachment; filename=#Chr(34)##filename##Chr(34)#">
    <cfcontent type="application/msexcel" variable="#sheetAsBinary#" reset="true">

    By default, both of the values in the first column of my query would be treated as numbers (the second as a HEX). Using this method both preserve their original value as text.


08-23 21:42