所选单元格中的值应该有已经是 0002-9343 ,但是它被插入为 Feb-43 。这是因为excel表中该列(列-D)的格式错误。
excel = new Application();
excel.Visible = false;
wb =(_Workbook)(excel.Workbooks.Add(System.Reflection.Missing.Value));
sheet = wb.Sheets.Add();
sheet.Name =TestSheet1;
sheet.Cells [1,A]。Value2 =Id;
sheet.Cells [1,B]。Value2 =Name;
sheet.Cells [1,C]。Value2 =Data1;
sheet.Cells [1,D]。Value2 =Data2;
sheet.Cells [1,E]。Value2 =Data3; (int i = 0; i< 10; i ++)
id = i;
result = object;
data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(result);
name =(data!= null)? data.name:string.Empty;
data1 =(data!= null)? data.data1:string.Empty;
data2 =(data!= null)? data.data2:string.Empty;
data3 =(data!= null)? data.data3:string.Empty;
sheet.Cells [i + 2,A]。Value2 = name;
sheet.Cells [i + 2,B]。Value2 = data1;
sheet.Cells [i + 2,C]。Value2 = data2;
sheet.Cells [i + 2,D]。Value2 = data3;
string ExcelPath = Some_path;
// 4为Col D
sheet.Cells [1,4] .EntireColumn.NumberFormat =@;
在尝试写入之前,请记住格式化Col D。使用 .EntireColumn
I am creating an excel sheet dynamically and inserting values in to the same.But value in some cells are getting inserted in the wrong format.Following is my excel sheetvalue in the selected cell should have been 0002-9343 but it is inserted as Feb-43.This due to some wrong format for that column(column-D) in the excel sheet.I need to change the whole column-D (all cells comming under heading D "data2") to 'Text Format' before entering the data.Following is the code for creating the excel sheet and inserting data
excel = new Application();
excel.Visible = false;
wb = (_Workbook)(excel.Workbooks.Add(System.Reflection.Missing.Value));
sheet = wb.Sheets.Add();
sheet.Name = "TestSheet1";
sheet.Cells[1, "A"].Value2 = "Id";
sheet.Cells[1, "B"].Value2 = "Name";
sheet.Cells[1, "C"].Value2 = "Data1";
sheet.Cells[1, "D"].Value2 = "Data2";
sheet.Cells[1, "E"].Value2 = "Data3";
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
id = i;
result = object;
data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(result);
name = (data != null) ? data.name : string.Empty;
data1 = (data != null) ? data.data1 : string.Empty;
data2 = (data != null) ? data.data2 : string.Empty;
data3 = (data != null) ? data.data3 : string.Empty;
sheet.Cells[i + 2, "A"].Value2 = name;
sheet.Cells[i + 2, "B"].Value2 = data1;
sheet.Cells[i + 2, "C"].Value2 = data2;
sheet.Cells[i + 2, "D"].Value2 = data3;
string ExcelPath = Some_path;
wb.SaveAsExcelPath,XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookNormal, null, null, false, false, XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlShared, false, false, null, null, null);
Now ,before the loop I need to change the format of cells under Column-D to Text Format.How to do the same from code in c#?
To change the format of the entire column use this
// 4 is for Col D
sheet.Cells[1, 4].EntireColumn.NumberFormat = "@";
Remember to format Col D before you attempt writing to it. Using .EntireColumn
will ensure that you will not have to change the format of the Excel Cells individually :)