Juan T. Llibre,asp.net MVP asp.net faq: http://asp.net.do/faq/ foros de asp.net,en espa?ol: http://asp.net.do/foros/ =================================== 比特字节 < ro ** @ yourbox.com在消息新闻中写道:9O ********************* @ bt.com ...I don''t know what gives you that idea.Visual Web Developer is embedded in Visual Studio,and is the identical same program, standalone or embedded.The differences are that Visual Studio has quite a few features which VWD doesn''t have,that Visual Studio can be used to develop Windows programs and not just web apps,and that add-ins don''t work with VWD.There''s a list of features for each VS version at : http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/vstudio/aa700921.aspxJuan T. Llibre, asp.net MVPasp.net faq : http://asp.net.do/faq/foros de asp.net, en espa?ol : http://asp.net.do/foros/==================================="Bit Byte" <ro**@yourbox.comwrote in message news:9O*********************@bt.com... 我不知道是什么让你有这个想法。 Visual Web Developer嵌入在Visual Studio中, 并且是相同的程序,独立或嵌入式。 不同之处在于Visual Studio具有VWD没有的一些功能, Visual Studio可用于开发Windows程序而不仅仅是Web应用程序, 和加载项不能与VWD一起使用。 那里'每个VS版本的功能列表: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/vstudio/aa700921.aspx Juan T. Llibre,asp.net MVP asp.net faq: http://asp.net.do/ faq / foros de asp.net,en espa?ol: http://asp.net.do/foros/ ====================== ============= 比特字节 < ro ** @ yourbox.com在消息新闻中写道:9O ********************* @ bt.com ...I don''t know what gives you that idea.Visual Web Developer is embedded in Visual Studio,and is the identical same program, standalone or embedded.The differences are that Visual Studio has quite a few features which VWD doesn''t have,that Visual Studio can be used to develop Windows programs and not just web apps,and that add-ins don''t work with VWD.There''s a list of features for each VS version at : http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/vstudio/aa700921.aspxJuan T. Llibre, asp.net MVPasp.net faq : http://asp.net.do/faq/foros de asp.net, en espa?ol : http://asp.net.do/foros/==================================="Bit Byte" <ro**@yourbox.comwrote in message news:9O*********************@bt.com... 显然,当你说很大程度上不相容时,你实际上意味着非常类似于b $ b ... VWD只是Visual Studio.NET的免费缩减版。如果你拿走所有 的快递开发套件的版本并将它们加在一起, 你(或多或少)到达成熟的Visual Studio.NET 2005.Obviously, when you say "largely incompatible", you actually mean "verysimilar"...VWD is merely a free cut-down version of Visual Studio.NET. If you take allof the "Express" editions of the development suite and add them together,you (more or less) arrive at the full-blown Visual Studio.NET 2005. 这篇关于Visual Studio 2005或Visual Web Developer?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-23 21:41