

我有一个通过OLE自动化创建新Excel对象的应用程序(在IBM Notes中运行,使用Lotusscript等).在我的应用程序中,我创建一个新的工作簿并将其保存到一个临时文件夹(我将其保存为Excel Worksheet w/o macros-> type 52),以便重新创建文件.像这样:

I have an application (running in IBM Notes, using Lotusscript etc.) that create a new Excel object via OLE automation. In my app I create a new Workbook and saving it to a temporary folder (I am saving it as Excel Worksheet w/o macros -> type 52) so that the resuting file is sth. like that:



Then I open the file in Excel programmatically. I have an Excel Addin (filename is "Teamoffice.xlam" loaded where some macros reside I will trigger in the custom save actionbar button. In this save method I also call the save function:

Call ActiveWorkbook.Save
Call ThisWorkbook.Save


For some reason Excel creates a file named "Teamoffice.xlsm" in the "My Documents" folder. The file itself cannot be opened in Excel ("wrong file format error") - of course, it's an Addin!


This works well if I have only one Excel document open from my application. If I open a second (or more) I run into trouble: everytime I save on of those secondary opened (or newly created) documents Excel asks me if I want to overwrite that "Teamoffice.xlsm" file.


I added VBA code to ma macro that detects if this file is there and tries to delete it. With no luck of course, as the first instance of Excel is locking that file already. Overwriting the file when aswering the Excel-question dialog works though, but I don't want that question to appear.


Excel doesn't behave like that when using it stand-alone w/o OLE.


Several questions resulting from this behavior:

  1. 为什么Excel会创建此文件?我可以阻止它这样做吗?
  2. 即使Excel带有句柄,如何删除文件,也可以
  3. 我可以告诉Excel在该文件上没有句柄(如果存在)并让我杀死它吗?
  4. 我可以隐藏问题对话框并总是说是,覆盖它"吗?


Office version is 2010 - and it makes me going nuts... so thanks in advance!p.s.: I am not that VBA pro, so please be as detailed as you can effort :-)





was the reason. If I omit it no file is created. Strange that this saved the Addin file as xlsm file though.


08-23 21:20