



我已经将MediaWiki从一种环境迁移到了另一种环境.一切正常,除了少数用户具有硬编码的外部链接(实际上链接到同一Wiki中的其他页面)的事实.例如,旧的Wiki位于://foo/wiki上,而新的Wiki位于://foo.com上.在迁移的Wiki的页面上,页面文本上有外部链接,例如://foo/wiki/somepage.因此,当他们单击迁移的Wiki上的链接时,它们将被带回到旧的Wiki并被定向到://foo/wiki/somepage -这不是正确的行为(应转到://foo.com/somepage).在MySQL的"externallinks"表中,我在单个链接上运行了这两个语句,以查看更改是否会更新该链接:

I have migrated a MediaWiki from one environment to another. Everything works fine, except for the fact that a few users have hard-coded external links (which actually link to other pages within the same wiki). For example, the old wiki was on ://foo/wiki and the new is at ://foo.com. On pages of the migrated wiki there are external links on the page text like ://foo/wiki/somepage. So when they click the link on the migrated wiki they get taken back to the old wiki and are directed to ://foo/wiki/somepage -- which is not the correct behavior (it should go to ://foo.com/somepage). In the "externallinks" table in MySQL I have run the two statements on a single link to see if the change would update the link:

UPDATE `foowiki`.`externallinks`
SET el_to = REPLACE(el_to, '://foo/wiki', '://www.foo.com')
WHERE el_to LIKE '%://foo/wiki/somepage%';

UPDATE `foowiki`.`externallinks`
SET el_index = REPLACE(el_index, '://foo./wiki', '://com.foo.www.')
WHERE el_index LIKE '%://foo./wiki/somepage%';


When I restart the site and go to the page with the sample link I'm trying to update, the link is still the same (i.e., it links to the old wiki environment).


Is there a quick and easy way to replace all external links (in the text) with the correct prefix (i.e. go from ://foo/wiki/somerandompage to ://foo.com/somerandompage)? Maybe there is an even cleaner way to do it, instead of updating all the records in a MySQL table, such as intercepting the HTTP requests in LocalSettings.php and doing a single substring replace there?



Rather than trying to alter the database (the layout is quite complex), I would try the extension Replace_Text. It is stable, well tested, and made just for situations like these.


BTW, you have a colon prepending you protocol relative URLs. You probably mean to write //www.foo.com.


If you still want to hack the DB, I believe it is the archive and text tables you want to look at. After doing your work there, you will have to rebuild the external links table based on that.


08-23 20:45