本文介绍了您可以将流量管理器与 blob 存储或 Azure 功能一起使用吗的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我从 Azure 流量管理器请求中获得了一些简单的 JSON,因此理想情况下,它将存储在标记有公共访问策略以读取 blob 的 blob 存储帐户中.当我尝试这个 - 在 ATM 中使用外部端点 - 我得到一个 400 HTTP 响应.

I have a simple bit of JSON from an Azure Traffic Manager request, so ideally it would be stored in a blob storage account that is marked with a public access policy to read the blob. When I attempt this - using external endpoint in ATM - I get a 400 HTTP response.

端点在门户中在线显示,这很有趣,因为通过浏览器发出该 URL 也会导致 400 错误.我将运行状况探测指向 $root 容器中的公共 blob.

The endpoint shows online in the portal, which is interesting since issuing that URL through the browser also results in a 400 error. I have the health probe pointed at a public blob at the $root container.

我的第二次尝试是尝试使用 Azure 函数作为端点,在这种情况下,运行状况探测会导致停止"状态.从较早的文章来看,这似乎会为基本的应用服务计划返回(这是一个消费计划),但我认为这已经过时了?

My second attempt was to then try an Azure function as the endpoint, and in this case the health probe results in a 'stopped' state. From older articles it appeared this would be returned for a basic App service plan (this is a consumption plan), but I presume that's outdated at this point?


What's the resolution here? This shouldn't be this hard!


根据您的描述,我在我这边检查了这个问题,可能会遇到与您提到的相同的问题.然后我发现了关于 流量管理器和 Blob 存储Azure Functions 与流量管理器的集成.

According to your description, I checked this issue on my side and I could encounter the same issue as you mentioned. Then I found issues about Traffic Manager and Blob Storage and Integration of Azure Functions with Traffic Manager.

据我了解,流量管理器不支持与 Blob 存储集成,您可以添加您的功能请求 这里.

Per my understanding, Traffic Manager does not support integration with Blob Storage, you could add your feature request here.

要与 Azure Functions 集成,您需要确保 标准 SKU 或更高版本的 Web 应用符合使用流量管理器的条件.对于低于 标准 SKU 的网络应用,您可以利用 Azure Functions 代理.以下是一些参考资料,您可以参考:

For integrating with Azure Functions, you need to make sure your Web Apps at the Standard SKU or above are eligible for use with Traffic Manager. For web apps below Standard SKU, you could leverage Azure Functions Proxies. Here are some references, you could refer to them:

流量管理器 - 作为端点的 Web 应用程序

Azure Functions 流量管理器

这篇关于您可以将流量管理器与 blob 存储或 Azure 功能一起使用吗的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-23 20:40