



我有一个必须在类中使用 TEntity 的要求.但是,将Generics与类一起使用时,Azure函数无法正常工作.它甚至也没有显示在控制台上.但是,如果我从类声明中删除 TEntity ,它将显示在控制台中.那不支持吗?或对此有任何解决方法?我在互联网上进行了搜索,但没有找到与此相关的信息.

I have a requirement that I have to use TEntity with the class. But Azure function not working when using Generics with class. It's not even showing on the console also. But If I remove TEntity from class declaration it's showing in the console. So is this not supported? or is there any workaround for this? I have searched on internet but found nothing related to this.

public static class DataFilesIngestJobs<TEntity>
    public static async Task RunScheduleAsync(
        [TimerTrigger("%DataFiles:IngestJob:ScheduleExpressionTrigger%")] TimerInfo timer,
        ExecutionContext context,
        TraceWriter log)
        await RunAsync(context, log);

    public static async Task RunOnDemandAsync(
        [QueueTrigger("%DataFiles:IngestJob:OnDemandQueueNameTrigger%", Connection = "ConnectionStrings:BlobStorageAccount")] string queueItem,
        ExecutionContext context,
        TraceWriter log)
        await RunAsync(context, log);

从类中删除 TEntity 时的控制台输出.

Console output on removing TEntity from class.


在搜索 FunctionName 属性时,WebJobs SDK显式丢弃泛型类型:

WebJobs SDK explicitly discards generic types when searching for FunctionName attribute:

return type.IsClass
    && (!type.IsAbstract || type.IsSealed)
    && type.IsPublic
    && !type.ContainsGenericParameters;



I guess that's because they wouldn't know which type to use as generic parameter when calling the function method.


08-23 20:39