本文介绍了设置在其他Office 365租户帐户和Azure存储中找到的Azure Active Directory的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试按照 youtube视频<.当我的试用版Azure存储订阅已过期时,我试图使用我公司的Azure存储,但是他们的Azure帐户未连接到Office 365租户.因此,我创建了一个Office 365试用版帐户,现在尝试将Office 365连接到Azure存储.

I am trying to setup PnP Partner pack on azure following this youtube video. As my trial azure storage subscription has expired, I am trying to use Azure storage of my company, but their Azure account is not connected to an office 365 tenant. So, I created a trial office 365 account and now I am trying to connect office 365 to Azure storage.


These are not under the same account. Can someone help me set this up?

编辑1 假设您有一个名为[email protected]的Azure租户.此帐户未耦合到Office 365租户.但是,它具有有效的存储订阅.

Edit 1suppose you have Azure Tenant called [email protected]. This account is not coupled to an office 365 tenant. It, however, has a valid storage subscription.

因此,我将应用程序部署到Azure租户的应用程序服务中.此应用必须与SharePoint在线交流.但是由于该天蓝色的租户没有与其耦合的Office 365租户,因此我想到了创建一个试用Office 365租户,例如:[email protected].现在,问题是,如何配置Azure租户(存储)以与Office 365(即另一个租户帐户)进行通信?

So, I deploy my app in the app service in my Azure tenant. This app has to communicate with SharePoint online. But as this azure tenant does not have an office 365 tenant coupled to it, I thought of creating a trial office 365 tenant, for example: [email protected]. Now, the question is, how can I configure Azure tenant (storage) to communicate with office 365, that is another tenant account?



OK, I have deployed PnP Partner Pack to my company's azure storage account. How does it work. The application is an MVC application. Before I deploy it I have to do the following:

  1. 创建一个存储帐户
  2. 在此存储帐户中创建一个Web应用程序
  3. 在AAD中注册网络应用
  4. 为网络应用分配以下权限:SharePOint,Graph
  5. 在解决方案的Web配置中插入应用程序ID和密钥
  6. 在web.config内分配需要在线访问共享点网站集的URL
  7. 将解决方案部署到Azure Web应用程序


Once it is deployed then I can open the web application which now has access to SharePoint online.

有问题吗?只要Office 365和Azure租户帐户相同,就不会有问题.但是,由于我不再拥有用于Azure Tenant和Office 365的相同帐户,因此无法从Azure Web应用程序访问共享点.我不知道如何在Azure AD中设置应用程序注册,以便它可以访问另一个Office 365租户中的共享点.

The problem?As long as the Office 365 and Azure Tenant account are the same there is no problem. But now that I don't have anymore the same account for Azure Tenant and office 365, I cannot access sharepoint from my Azure web application. I don't know how to set up the application registration in Azure AD so that it can access sharepoint in another office 365 tenant.

例如:Azure租户名称"[email protected]"需要访问具有以下租户帐户"[email protected]"的Office 365中的SharePoint,Graph和AAD.

Eg.: Azure Tenant name "[email protected]" needs to access SharePoint, Graph and AAD in office 365 which has the following tenant account "[email protected]".

如何从Azure Web应用程序"[email protected]"中的Web应用程序进行设置,所以我可以在另一个Office 365租户帐户("[email protected]")中访问以下SharePoint,Graph和AAD. com")?

How can I set it up so from my web application in Azure Web application "[email protected]") I can access the following SharePoint, Graph and AAD in another office 365 tenant account ("[email protected]")?


位于Azure"[email protected]"帐户中的Web应用程序需要访问另一个Office 365帐户的用户(AAD),SharePoint和Graph,即:"[email protected] .com".

Web app that lives in Azure "[email protected]" account needs to access users (AAD), SharePoint and Graph of the other office 365 account, i.e: "[email protected]".





您知道试用版具有时间和功能限制.为了进行进一步的开发,我建议您可以购买Office 365帐户来测试更多功能.

And you know the trial version has time and function limits. For further development, I suggest you could buy an office 365 account to test more features.

这篇关于设置在其他Office 365租户帐户和Azure存储中找到的Azure Active Directory的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-23 20:38