



我需要从 Azure文件 ="https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/databricks/" rel ="nofollow noreferrer"> Azure Databricks .根据文档 Azure Blob 受支持,但我需要这个使用Azure文件的代码:

I need to access Azure Files from Azure Databricks. According to the documentation Azure Blobs are supported but I am need this code to work with Azure files:

  source = "wasbs://<your-container-name>@<your-storage-account-name>.file.core.windows.net",
  mount_point = "/mnt/<mount-name>",
  extra_configs = {"<conf-key>":dbutils.secrets.get(scope = "<scope-name>", key = "<key-name>")})

或者还有另一种方式来挂载/访问 Azure文件到/从 Azure Databricks 群集?谢谢

or is there another way to mount/access Azure Files to/from a Azure Databricks cluster? Thanks


在Azure上,通常可以通过SMB协议将Azure文件的文件共享安装到Linux.而且我尝试遵循官方教程 Use Azure Files with Linux 通过在Python中创建一个笔记本来执行以下操作,但操作失败.

On Azure, generally you can mount a file share of Azure Files to Linux via SMB protocol. And I tried to follow the offical tutorial Use Azure Files with Linux to do it via create a notebook in Python to do the commands as below, but failed.

Azure Databricks似乎不允许这样做,即使我在Databricks社区中搜索了mount NFSSMBSamba等内容,也没有任何讨论.

It seems that Azure Databricks does not allow to do that, even I searched about mount NFS, SMB, Samba, etc. in Databricks community that there is not any discussion.

因此访问Azure文件中文件的唯一方法是安装azure-storage程序包,然后直接在Azure Databricks上使用Python的Azure Files SDK.

So the only way to access files in Azure Files is to install the azure-storage package and directly to use Azure Files SDK for Python on Azure Databricks.


08-23 20:30