




Some changes are done to files and folders but it is not reflecting on azure files. Is it possible to initiate upload of particular folder path with out waiting for scheduled upload.



  • 文件句柄仍处于打开状态.关闭文件句柄后,文件应立即同步.如果文件句柄从未关闭,则VSS同步会话运行后(一天一次),文件将同步.
  • 服务器端点具有活动的下载同步会话.一旦下载同步会话完成,就应该开始上传同步会话.看在疑难解答指南中.
  • 文件或文件夹由于上传失败而无法上传每个项目的错误.看部分.
  • 未检测到文件更改USN Journal(不太可能).如果发生这种情况,一旦运行更改枚举(一天一次),Azure File Sync就会检测到更改.
  • File handle is still open. Once the file handle is closed, the file should sync immediately. If the file handle is never closed, the file will sync once the VSS sync session runs (once a day).
  • Server endpoint has an active download sync session. Once the download sync session completes, the upload sync session should start. SeeHow do I monitor the progress of a current sync session? section in the troubleshooting guide.
  • File or folder is failing to upload due to a per-item error. SeeHow do I see if there are specific files or folders that are not syncing? section in the troubleshooting guide.
  • File change was not detected by the USN Journal (not likely). If this happens, Azure File Sync will detect the change once change enumeration runs (once a day). 


08-23 20:28