

我有在IIS 8.5和部署后在本地运行,在Azure网站的ASP.NET MVC 5 Web应用程序 - 在这两种情况下,将在后面描述的行为是一样的。


 < system.webServer>
  < httpErrors errorMode =自定义existingResponse =替换>
    <错误状态code =400responseMode =ExecuteURL路径=/应用/错误/>
    <错误状态code =403responseMode =ExecuteURL路径=/应用/错误/禁止/>
    <错误状态code =404responseMode =ExecuteURL路径=/应用/错误/ NOTFOUND/>
    <错误状态code =500responseMode =ExecuteURL路径=/应用/错误/>
  < / httpErrors>
< /system.webServer>


 < system.webServer>
  <添加名称=ImageProcessorModuleTYPE =ImageProcessor.Web.HttpModules.ImageProcessingModule,ImageProcessor.Web/>
 < /模块>
< /system.webServer>

这是我的问题是这样的:如果我做喜欢到一个陌生的URL请求 ... / C< ,应用程序执行的500定制在web.config文件中指示错误的路径。
但是,如果我在做一个陌生人URL的请求(模拟一个html标记),如 ... / c为C ,虽然导致错误500,不再被执行自定义错误,因为据此来详细的错误,HTTP模块可以截取电话和决定只显示YSOD ...


And is easy to see that this is caused by the webmodule because of the stacktrace:

If I'm commenting out the Image Processor Module from the web.config, everything runs as expected.

Why in this case, the custom error path doesn't get executed?

Thank you for your time and answers.


I very strongly suspect this is a bug in Image Processor.

The exact same issue was reported in Client Dependency (a module for Umbraco) which, while completely unrelated, is similar in that it was accessing Context.Request.RawUrl at the same stage of the request pipeline.

You have two options:-

  1. Find a way to set runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="false" without impacting the behaviour of your http modules

  2. See if you can submit a patch to https://github.com/JimBobSquarePants/ImageProcessor/blob/f4080c3217107eb7a571eb69e54cc5e69e1c892c/src/ImageProcessor.Web/HttpModules/ImageProcessingModule.cs to use Request.Unverified.RawUrl instead of Request.RawUrl


09-04 22:34