I'm new to bat scripting and I have following requirement to meet:
如果Dir例如C:\ test大小超过50GB,则脚本应删除最旧的文件,直到目录大小回到50GB或更小.
If Dir eg. C:\test size exceed 50GB, then the script should delete the oldest files until the size of directory goes back to 50GB or little less.
I have modified the below script I found on Get size of a directory in 'MB' using batch file but I'm not sure how to proceed with the remaining requirements. See the small modifications I have done so far and I would appreciate any input:
@echo off
set limit="50.0"
set Folder="C:\test"
echo The size of %Folder% is
Call :GetSize %Folder%
IF /I "Call :GetSize %Folder%" GEQ "50.0" Echo Overlimit
<Here I would like to delete oldest zip files until the folder size is back to <=50.0GB>
echo wscript.echo GetSize("%~1"^)
echo Function GetSize(MyFolder^)
echo Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"^)
echo Set objFolder= fso.GetFolder(MyFolder^)
echo GetSize = FormatSize(objFolder.Size^)
echo End Function
echo '*******************************************************************
echo 'Function to format a number into typical size scales
echo Function FormatSize(iSize^)
echo aLabel = Array("bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB"^)
echo For i = 0 to 4
echo If iSize ^> 1024 Then
echo iSize = iSize / 1024
echo Else
echo Exit For
echo End If
echo Next
echo FormatSize = Round(iSize,2^)
echo End Function
echo '*******************************************************************
Cscript /NoLogo %tmp%\Size.vbs
Del %tmp%\Size.vbs
Exit /b
This seems to work on my computer.
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set F = fso.GetFolder("C:\Users\User\Desktop\New Folder\Stories\Test")
If F.size > 2^30*2 Then
'Comments on a stupid editor that can't handle tabs
'Creating an in memory disconnected recordset to sort files by date
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
With rs
.Fields.Append "Date", 7
.Fields.Append "Txt", 201, 5000
For Each Thing in f.files
.Fields("Date").value = thing.datelastmodified
.Fields("Txt").value = thing.path
.Sort = "Date Desc"
Do While not .EOF
fso.deletefile .Fields("Txt").Value
If f.size < 2^30*2 then Exit Do
End With
End If
PS 2 ^ 30 = 1 GiByte或1 Gig.
PS 2^30 = 1 GiByte or 1 Gig.
这篇关于Windows bat脚本,如果超过N GB,则获取目录大小,然后删除最旧的文件以恢复空间的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!