




I have a small game application, which is started from the Windows console (cmd.exe). I am able to format the text in any desired way using ANSI escape sequences.


I would also love to apply formatting to the text from the input()-method, but I have not found a way how to do so. Here is the testing code...

from colorama import init

RED = "\x1b[1;31;40m"

print(f"{RED}This text is red\n")

not_red = input(f"{RED}Insert some random stuff: ")


in my windows console, you will see that the ANSI sequence is displayed as a simple string in the input statement:

在我的Spyder IDE控制台中,它具有相反的效果:

whereas in my Spyder IDE console, it has the reverse effect:

有人可以向我解释在不同控制台中显示的行为吗?在Windows cmd控制台中,有什么方法可以格式化input()-文本?这是我的程序正常运行的地方,我想使其更漂亮:-)

Can anyone explain the displayed behaviour in the different consoles to me?And is there any way to format the input()-text in the Windows cmd console? This is where my program is run normally and I would like to make it even prettier :-)



colorama通过替换和sys.stderr 的版本解释ISO 6429序列,进行适当的Win32调用以实现它们,并将其余字符发送到基础流上.这解释了您的观察:input不使用Python级别的sys.stdout.write,Spyder解释序列本身,但不受Win32调用的影响.

colorama works by replacing sys.stdout and sys.stderr with versions that interpret ISO 6429 sequences, make appropriate Win32 calls to implement them, and send the rest of the characters on to the underlying stream. This explains your observations: input doesn’t use the Python-level sys.stdout.write, and Spyder interprets the sequences itself but is unaffected by the Win32 calls.

唯一合理的解决方法似乎是在没有提示的情况下使用input.您只需在提示符下print且没有换行符(在Python  2中​​以,结尾或在Python  3中以end=""结尾)即可.

The only reasonable fix seems to be to use input with no prompt; you shouldn’t need to do any more than print your prompt with no newline (a trailing , in Python 2 or end="" in Python 3).


08-23 19:36