本文介绍了调试SSIS时出错(Excel源,数据转换,OLE DB目标)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在创建BIDS 2010中从Excel Source到SQL DB的良好数据流时遇到问题.我使用的是32位运行时,我在SQL Server上具有Windows身份验证.我正在尝试将数据发送到根本没有关系或约束的表中.我的excel文件是.xls,我已经尝试对SS2012和SS2008R2数据库执行此操作,并返回了相同的错误.

I am having issues creating a good data flow from Excel Source to SQL DB in BIDS 2010. I'm using 32-bit runtime, i have windows authentication on the SQL Server. I'm trying to send the data to a table that has no relationships or constraints at all. My excel file is .xls and I've tried doing this to SS2012 and SS2008R2 databases, getting the same errors back.


Here's my Package Validation Error:

Error at Data Flow Component [SSIS.Pipeline]: "component "Source for Excel Connection Manager" (1)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".

Error at Data Flow Component [SSIS.Pipeline]: One or more component failed validation.

Error at Data Flow Component: There were errors during task validation.




请检查此URL,我今天早些时候发表了评论. BIDS软件包错误在导出时被截断平面文件

Please check at this URL, I have commented earlier today.BIDS Package Error's on Truncate while EXPORTING to flat file


1)检查 excel源中的数据类型.如果源数据类型与数据库中的数据相同,则转换 cast .

1) Check the Data type in excel source. If the Source data type is different Convert or cast them as it is in Database.

2)正确映射列.检查目标中是否有 not null 字段.

2) Map the column correctly. Check if there are not null field in the destination.


3) Make sure you change the Project properties to RUN64bits to FALSE

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08-23 19:14