

JavaScript对象/变量是否具有某种唯一标识符?像Ruby一样 object_id 。我不是指DOM id属性,而是某种某种内存地址。

Do JavaScript objects/variables have some sort of unique identifier? Like Ruby has object_id. I don't mean the DOM id attribute, but rather some sort of memory address of some kind.



No, objects don't have a built in identifier, though you can add one by modifying the object prototype. Here's an example of how you might do that:

(function() {
    var id = 0;

    function generateId() { return id++; };

    Object.prototype.id = function() {
        var newId = generateId();

        this.id = function() { return newId; };

        return newId;

这就是说,一般来说修改对象原型被认为是非常糟糕的做法。我建议你根据需要手动为对象分配一个id,或者像其他人建议的那样使用 touch 函数。

That said, in general modifying the object prototype is considered very bad practice. I would instead recommend that you manually assign an id to objects as needed or use a touch function as others have suggested.


08-23 19:11